أوراق عمل انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #م. عبدالله الصباح 2021 2022
Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list: (demonstrate – tension – bring about – victory – teleprinter)
1 – These results ………………. convincingly that our remedial plans are working well.
2- It took hours of negotiations to ……………… a reconciliation between the two sides.
3- The ideal arrangement is to have a ………………. communicating between the two rooms.
4- When you are in ……………, find something fun to do. Your thoughts will become clearer.
Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d:
1- in the last game gave us a psychological advantage over our opponents ……………... a. Victory b- Teleprinter C- Half d-Deterrent
2- Only the most …………. supporters of humanitarian aids are in favor of charities. a- potential b- remote C-zealous d-disappointing
3- Figures to be officially released this week …….. that unemployment rate is still rising. a-reveal b-dispatch C-glorify d-evolve
Grammar Relative Clauses (defining and non-defining) Relative clauses are non-essential parts of a sentence. They may add meaning, but if they are removed, the sentence will still function grammatically. There are two broad types of relative clauses in English.
A defining clause tells us which specific person or thing we are talking about in a larger group of people or things. If a defining relative clause is removed, the meaning of the sentence changes significantly. A defining relative clause is not separated from the rest of the sentence by commas or parentheses, Examples:
– The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
– The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
A non-defining clause gives us more information about the person or thing we are talking about. If a nondefining relative clause is removed from a sentence, we lose some detail, but the overall meaning of the
sentence remains the same. Non-defining relative clauses are always set off from the rest of the sentence with commas or parentheses.
– The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation. – My mother, who is 86, lives in Paris.
Choose the correct answer a, b, cord:
1. My uncle, …………. has just come from London, is very rich. a- whom b- who d- which C- whose
2. The old lady, …………. I met yesterday, lives alone. a- whom b- when C- where d- which
3. I have got a friend …………. father owns a computer shop. a- whom b- who C- whose d- which
4. I shall never forget the day …………. I graduated from university. a- where b-when c-who d- which
From a, b and c, choose the right answer as required:
1- A player was rewarded. The player expressed his great joy. (Join with ‘who’) a- The player who was rewarded expressed his great joy. b- The player who expressed his joy was rewarding. C- The player was rewarded who expressed his joy.
(Complete)……….. 2- Very few people can remember the day a- where they first came into primary school. b- which they first came into primary school. C- when they first came into primary school.
3- William Shakespeare, ………….., wrote so many plays and poems. (Complete) a- who was born in 1564 and died in 1616 b- whom was born in 1564 and died in 1616 C- whose was born in 1564 and died in 1616
4- I live in a house. The house is near the seashore. (Join with ‘where) a- The house I live in where is near the seashore. b- The house where I live is near the seashore. C- I live in a house where is near the seashore.
Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list: (rank – electronic device – portable – electronics – consume)
1- In the field of consumer …………., Philips is determined to remain a world leader.
2- …………. computers are good for accessing information while travelling.
3- Sony prices ………….. high compared to those of other contemporary companies.
4- We should rethink of the way we …………. energy. We should be wiser.
Set Book
1- How do you think the Internet has affected the way we consume radio and TV?
2- In your opinion, how have electronic devices changed our life?
Language Functions
Write what you would say in the following situations:
1. Some of your classmates write on their classroom desks.
2. Your brother has failed his driving test for the second time.
3. You want to persuade your friend to go to the cinema with you.
4. Your cousin wants you to tell him about your plans for the next summer holiday.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
1. The United Nations Organization was created to ……………….. peace and security. a-miss out on b-tune out C-promote d-provoke
2. You can …………. by the remote control until you find your favourite programme. a-promote b-provoke C-tune out d-channel-surf
Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list: (miss out on – promote – provoke – comedy – inactivity – tune out)
1 – Unemployment may …………………. a sense of alienation from society.
2- Most children prefer watching ………… ……….. films to tragedy ones.
3- Those who will not come to the picnic will ……………… all the tremendous fun.
4- …………… If the actor’s performance is boring, the audience will switch off and
Set Book
1- What is your favourite TV programme? Why do you like it most?
2- How can we avoid the negative effects of T.V?
3- What are the positive and negative influences television has on people’s lives?