تدريب على قطعة الاستيعاب انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. عمرة الأنصارية 2021 2022

تدريب على قطعة الاستيعاب انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. عمرة الأنصارية 2021 2022


ملف: تدريب على قطعة الاستيعاب انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. عمرة الأنصارية 2021 2022


تدريب على قطعة الاستيعاب انجليزي سادس ف2 #م. عمرة الأنصارية 2021 2022

أسئلة قطعة الاستيعاب في الاختبار النهائي نوعني فقط : (  Choose اختار الإجابة الصحيحة ) و ( questions following the Answer اجب عن الاسئلة التالية ) ، وفيما يلي بعض قطع الاستيعاب التي وردت في اختبارات سابقة:

 : Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below

Should parents worry about what television and video are doing to their children?! Are they making them fatter and lazier? It’s said that videos and televisions were responsible for losing interest in reading among the young. While they may be harmless in themselves, they do nothing to build up reading skills. If some of the hours children spend watching television were spent in reading, they would be better learners. Watching a story is not an ideal hobby because someone else has made the decisions about everything in it. Reading a story is an active link between the writer and the reader. Ideas are written by the writers and the mind of the reader creates the rest. The problem is that many children read very slowly. They read a page or two in a class and about the same again for homework. It is not surprising that such children say that reading is boring and prefer to watch television. They need to be able to read fast enough to feed the mind’s hunger for a story. That means practice. Only by reading daily in a relaxing atmosphere will make the child a better reader.

a) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c and d : ( 6 x 2 = 12Ms)

9. The main idea of paragraph (1) is about

a- the good effects of TV

 b- the bad effects of reading

c- how to film a story

 d- the effects of TV on reading

10. The opposite of the word “boring ” in paragraph (3) is

a- exciting

 b- risky

 c- tasty

 d- clean

11. The underlined pronoun ” they ” in paragraph (1) refers to

a- hours

 b- children

 b- skills

 d- televisions

12. Reading a story is an active link between

a- the parents and the children.

 b- the fatter and the lazier.

c- the writer and the reader. 

d- the story and the hobby.

13. According to the passage, all the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT

a- Ideas are written by the writers.

b- Many children read very slowly.

c- Reading is a harmful hobby.

d- We have to read daily to be better readers.

The purpose of the writer in paragraph (2) is to advise children to:14

b- read stories.

b- practise reading at home.

c- enjoy watching TV.

 d- do the homework faster.

b) Answer the following questions:- (2X2= 4 Ms)

15. ? Why isn’t watching a story an ideal hobby

16.?  What do children – who don’t like reading – prefer to do

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below
Holidays are fantastic because families spend great time together. Some people prefer to spend time in another country after long periods of work or school. They like to visit other countries to see something different from what they have in their home country. Tourists like to visit countries that have beautiful places like; rivers, lakes and forests. They feel pleased and comfortable when they see the green colour of trees and the blue colour of the sea. Other tourists like to see places like volcanoes and mountains. They enjoy climbing mountains and taking pictures next to volcanoes. Children like to enjoy their time on the beach. They like collecting shells. They also like to build houses and castles using sand. Some of them like to go scuba diving and taking photographs underwater. Women like to go shopping and find nice things to buy. They like to visit gold markets and shopping malls. When people return from holidays, they come back with amazing experiences.

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d

9……………………. The best title for this passage is 

a. Rivers are beautiful 

b. Holidays are amazing

c. Volcano are dangerous

 d. Beaches are sandy
10. ……………………The underlined word pleased in the 2nd paragraph means 

a. happy 

b. final

 c. cross 

d. worried

11……………………. The writer is trying to tell us about how. 

a. people enjoy playing sports

 b. countries help people to travel

c. countries build new markets 

d. people enjoy holidays differently

12. The underlined word some in the 3rd paragraph refers to

a. children

 b. castles 

c. shells

 d. sand

B) Answer the following questions

13.?  Why are holidays fantastic times

14. ?  How do people feel when they see the green and blue colours

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below
One day, Adam asked his father to let him ride his bike to the beach. When he got to the beach, it was filled with people holding garbage bags. Many of his friends where there and so were some of his teachers. His friend George asked him to join them to clean the beach. Adam got a garbage bag and started to pick up candy wrappers, newspapers, Pepsi cans and water bottles. After an hour, he had filled three bags. His friends filled many bags too. When everyone had finished, one of the teachers loaded the garbage bags into a truck. The beach looked great after cleaning it. After that, they put signs that said, “Please put garbage in the rubbish cans and keep the beach clean!”. The teacher bought pizza and lemonade for everyone who helped cleaning the beach. After they ate, Adam and his friends made sure to put their garbage into the pins.

c) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c and d : ( 6 x 2 = 12Ms)
9. …………………..The best title for this passage is

a- Riding Bikes 

b- The Clean Beach

c- A Day At School

 d- The Pizza Restaurant

10…………………… The underlined pronoun it in line 7 refers to 

a- the garbage

 b- the truck

 c- the beach 

d- the bag

11…………………… The underlined word loaded in line 6 means

a- filled

 b- washed

 b- started

 d- walked
12. …………………..The writer wants us to .

a- keep our bikes safe

 b- throw pepsi cans on the beaches

c- keep friends away from beaches 

d- keep our beaches, schools and homes clean

d) Answer the following questions:- (2X2= 4 Ms)

13.?  Why did George ask Adam to join

14.?  What did Adam fill his garbage bags with

Read the following passage and answer the questions
Bees are very wise and busy little creatures. There are three kinds of bees: workers, drones, and Queens. The average worker bee lives for just five to six weeks. During this time, she will produce around a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey. The queen can live up to five years. She is very busy in the summer months when she can lay up to 2500 eggs a day! If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop their work. They all joined together to build cells of wax for their honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go out and gather honey from the flowers, others stay at home and work inside the hive. Bees live in a house that is called a hive. The cells which they build are all of one shape and size, and no room is left between them. The cells are not round. They have six sides. An average beehive can hold around 50,000 bees.

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c and d : ( 6 x 2 = 12Ms)
9. ………………..The purpose of the writer is to

a- show the way of making honey

b- tell us about the life of bees

c- persuade us with the importance of honey to our health

d- compare between life inside the hive and outside it

10………………… The underlined pronoun They in line 5 refers to

a- six weeks

 b- five years

 c- the summer months

 d- the bees

11………………… The underlined word proper in line 6 means 

a- correct

 b- happy

 b- angry 

d- pretty

12………………… The average worker bee lives for

a- five to six days

 b- five to six weeks

c- five to six months 

d- five to six years

13. ………………….. The main idea of the 2nd paragraph is

a- The life of the queen bee

b- why some bees stay at home

c- how the house of bees looks like

d- the different kinds of bees

14. According to the passage, all the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT

a- There are two kinds of bees.

b- The queen can live up to five years.

c- Bees live in a house that is called a hive.

d- She is very busy in the summer months.

Answer the following questions:- (2X2= 4 Ms)

15.? How long does a worker bee live

16. ? Where do bees live

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