حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني يتضمن عل مسائل تدريبات وتمارين متعلقة بمفردات وقواعد وتراكيب النصوص الإنجليزية ويتمحور هذا الملف حول منهج الوحدة رقم 11 من كتاب المدرسة لمادة لغة انجليزية سابع ترم ثاني من مناهج الكويت، وننصحكم بتصفح هذا باقي الملفات الموجودة على الموقع المتعلقة بمنهج اللغة الانجليزية التي تدرس في صف سابع خلال الفترة الثانية من الدراسة ومنها: حل كتاب الانجليزي للصف السابع الفصل الثاني
كتب ومناهج الكويت – انجليزي:
Reading 2.
Skim the text and then, with a partner, say what it is mainly about
New Zealand is in the southern western Pacific Ocean. It is a small country, similar in site to Great Britain or Japan. It is 258,000 square kilometers. The population of New Zealand is approximately 4.6 million
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع:
New Zealand is an island country. It has two main islands – North Island and South Island. North Island is smaller than South Island but the population of North Island is bigger. Auckland is the biggest city but Wellington is the Capital
The landscape of New Zealand is very varied. You can find everything from
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الفصل الثاني:
high mountains with snow to volcanoes and rain forests. Also, there are long sandy beaches, rivers, lakes and farms Southern Alps. Mount Cook is there. It is the highest peak in New Zealand. You can ski on it. North Island has fewer mountains, but is known for its active volcanoes
New Zealand is a land of lakes. It has about 3,820 lakes. The largest is Lake Taupo. It is in North Island. Hauroko, in South Island, is the deepest lake in New Zealand and the 16th deepest lake in the world
مذكرة انجليزي سابع ترم ثاني:
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني:
Use your answers to the above questions and the following pictures to write a brief description of Kuwait in your notebook
Kuwait is a lovely country. It’s very modern and beautiful. Kuwait is flat and small. The weather is very hot and dry in summer. There are beautiful beaches in Kuwait .It has got large and tall buildings. Kuwait has got some nice islands. Tourists like visiting the Avenues and Failaka Island. They like the Scientific Centre and the Aquarium. They enjoy seeing colorful fish there. But, for me, I like Kuwait Towers and Kuwait Magic .I like Kuwait very much
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني:
Read about the picture. Circle the adjectives
I can see a beautiful beach. Some children are collecting shells. There is a large forest on the right. The sea looks lovely and blue. There is a small island in the sea. It has some houses on it. They look old-fashioned. There are a lot of trees. There is a small boat sailing around the island. I can see four people on it. They are waving and calling
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني يتضمن عل مسائل تدريبات وتمارين متعلقة بمفردات وقواعد وتراكيب النصوص الإنجليزية ويتمحور هذا الملف حول منهج الوحدة رقم 11 من كتاب المدرسة لمادة لغة انجليزية سابع ترم ثاني من مناهج الكويت، وننصحكم بتصفح هذا باقي الملفات الموجودة على الموقع المتعلقة بمنهج اللغة الانجليزية التي تدرس في صف سابع خلال الفترة الثانية من الدراسة ومنها: حل كتاب الانجليزي للصف السابع الفصل الثاني
كتب ومناهج الكويت – انجليزي:
Reading 2.
Skim the text and then, with a partner, say what it is mainly about
New Zealand is in the southern western Pacific Ocean. It is a small country, similar in site to Great Britain or Japan. It is 258,000 square kilometers. The population of New Zealand is approximately 4.6 million
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع:
New Zealand is an island country. It has two main islands – North Island and South Island. North Island is smaller than South Island but the population of North Island is bigger. Auckland is the biggest city but Wellington is the Capital
The landscape of New Zealand is very varied. You can find everything from
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الفصل الثاني:
high mountains with snow to volcanoes and rain forests. Also, there are long sandy beaches, rivers, lakes and farms Southern Alps. Mount Cook is there. It is the highest peak in New Zealand. You can ski on it. North Island has fewer mountains, but is known for its active volcanoes
New Zealand is a land of lakes. It has about 3,820 lakes. The largest is Lake Taupo. It is in North Island. Hauroko, in South Island, is the deepest lake in New Zealand and the 16th deepest lake in the world
مذكرة انجليزي سابع ترم ثاني:
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني:
Use your answers to the above questions and the following pictures to write a brief description of Kuwait in your notebook
Kuwait is a lovely country. It’s very modern and beautiful. Kuwait is flat and small. The weather is very hot and dry in summer. There are beautiful beaches in Kuwait .It has got large and tall buildings. Kuwait has got some nice islands. Tourists like visiting the Avenues and Failaka Island. They like the Scientific Centre and the Aquarium. They enjoy seeing colorful fish there. But, for me, I like Kuwait Towers and Kuwait Magic .I like Kuwait very much
حل كتاب student book للصف السابع الوحدة الحادية عشر الفصل الثاني:
Read about the picture. Circle the adjectives
I can see a beautiful beach. Some children are collecting shells. There is a large forest on the right. The sea looks lovely and blue. There is a small island in the sea. It has some houses on it. They look old-fashioned. There are a lot of trees. There is a small boat sailing around the island. I can see four people on it. They are waving and calling