مذكرة التقوية انجليزي ثاني عشر ف2 #معهد سمارت مايند 2021 2022
Unit: 7
Lesson 1+2
Answer the following Set-Book questions
1. ? How can we show gratitude and respect to the elderly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ? How can we keep our brains fit/be mentally active ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. ? How can we keep our physical fitness / be physically active …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4.? It is rare to find geriatric homes in Kuwait and the Arab World. Why …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.? Why is keeping active important for a long time ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Unit: 7
Lesson 1+2
القلب و الاوعية الدموية
عمره مائة عام
يقود دراجة
كبار السن
يحترم – يشرف – يكرم
شاق – مرهق
لين – مرن
نشيط – حيوي
From a, b, c and d choose the correct word
1. Gloves are usually made of …………………………….. leather so that fingers move easily.
a- mental
b- supple
c- vigorous
d- physical
2. Both parents and teachers have offered us a lot. We have to ………………………… them.
a- honour
b- excuse
c- cycle
d- tax
3. My brother usually has an hour of …………………………… stretching in the morning.
a – supple
b- frequent
c- appreciated
d- vigorous
4. As our team trained well, my ……………………………….. is that we will win the cup final.
a- expectation
c- affection
d- reverence
5………………………. You must wear a crash – helmet when you
a- expect
b- cycle
c- conceal
d- tax
Fill in the spaces with the suitable word from the list
(elderly / centenarians / cardiovascular / integral / geriatric/ onerous)
1. There are many …………………………………………………………. homes in Japan.
2. He is a/an ……………………………………. part of the team. We can’t do without him.
3. It is a /an ………………… task to find a solution to the difficulties that face the company.
4. There Is a clinic for the care of ……………………………………….. in some hospitals.
5. Running for one kilometer a day improves your………………………….system.
Unit 7 – Lesson 3
محروم من
التركيبة الجينية
مريح – آمن
غير عميق / سطحي
deprived of
genetic make-up
Fill in the spaces with the correct word from the list
1. My grandmother suffers from a ………………….. disease. She doesn’t leave her room.
2. I like the …………………………………………………. sound of the wind in the trees.
3. Children must stay in the …………………………………… end of the swimming pool.
4. How much sleep we need depends on many factors like our ……………………………..
5. People who are …………………………………………….. of sleep might gain weight.
Read the article and answer the following Set-Book questions
1.? How does sleep affect your lifestyle …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. The amount of sleep we need depends on several factors. Discuss. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ? Why is it essential to get enough sleep? What is the importance of sleep …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Lack of sleep causes many problems, mention some of them. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 7 Lesson 4
Reported Imperatives / Correlative
Change the following imperatives into reported speech
1. The policeman to the taxi driver “Never park your car on the pavement.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. My father to my brother “Help your brother in his school project.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. In four paragraphs, plan and write an essay (of 14 sentences) explaining how we can show respect to the elderly and why we should respect them.
1…………………………………. The money is used by the local authorities to pay for
2. ………………….. .From Kuwait have risen this year in comparison with imports.
3. ……………………………. Is a big problem young people face today.
4. There are no …………………………….. jobs in the Ministry of Education his year.
5. The term ……………………………….. may refer broadly to the “use of economics in the study of society.
6. ………………………………… causes a lot of stress on me.
Unit 8 -Lesson 1+2 set book questions
? The end of village life
When large numbers of people move from their homes in country areas to find better-paid jobs in towns and cities, the villages and farms they once lived in are often left vac ant. No one wants to buy the houses because they cannot make money out of them. This phenomenon, which is called rural depopulation, can lead to overcrowding in cities as well as deserted country areas and is a major socioeconomic problem nowadays. One example of this phenomenon is the Garrigues area of Spain, about one hour’s drive from Barcelona. The area has a Mediterranean climate, but because it is at high altitude and not close to the sea, winter temperatures are quite low. The area has an annual rainfall of 482mm falls in only 47 days of the year, during the autumn and spring. Historically, this was a successful agricultural area; on the higher ground, the farmers grew almonds, while in the river valleys, wheat, corn, beans and sunflowers were the traditional crops. The area was renowned for its high-quality olive oil which was grown mainly for export. The population of the area was at its greatest about 150 years ago, when a typical settlement might have had 500 inhabitants, whereas now some villages have as few as 100 permanent inhabitants. As farming became less and less profitable, and unemployment grew, the population began to move to the cities to find work. This trend started in 1860 and has continued until today. Now, some villages consist mainly of elderly people. The area is suffering from the effects of depopulation, poor infrastructure and deserted farms, for example. In some parts of Europe in recent years, however, the move from the country to the city has been reversed. as many wealthy people move to the countryside to escape from the overcrowding, pollution and tension of city life. Some are moving permanently, but many are buying holiday or weekend homes which are empty for much of the year.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, and d
Choose the best title for the passage
A. Village life.
B. Village depopulation.
C. From city to country.
D. Farming in Spain.
The underlined pronoun” which” in the 2nd paragraph refers to
A. Area.
B. Rainfall.
C. Crops.
D. Temperatures.
? What is the synonym of the underlined word” renowned” in the 2nd paragraph
A. Beautiful.
B. Expensive.
C. Famous.
D. Wealthy. With reference to the passage. answer the following questions
1. ? What are the consequences of the rural depopulation phenomenon ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. ? Why do you think that Spanish farmers grow different crops on the high ground and in the river valley ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.? Why do people move to the countryside ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city
1. …………………..When the results were announced, his face wore a look of pure
2. Kuwait Towers are the …………………………… of the tourist places in the region.
3. The river serves as the line of ………………………….. between the two countries.
4. You can get a good view of Kuwait City………………………..from Kuwait Towers.
5. …………………………. helps a lot to save farmland as a part of our environment.
2 Read the article and answer these questions
? a-Why is the city being built
? b- How will the population of Madinat AI-Hareer be kept happy
? c- What is exceptional about Burj Mubarak Al-Kabir …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Unit 8 – Lesson 3
Summary and translation
In foursentences of your own withreference to the 2nd&3rd paragraphs of the article below, what Are the differences between Silk City and other modern cities
Silk City
Madinat AI-Hareer, otherwise known as Silk City, is an innovative solution to the problems facing Kuwait. This $130 billion project will result in the construction of a new city, combining residential, financial and commercial districts. Taking its name from the ancient silk routes that traversed Kuwait, the ultimate aim of the project is to establish Kuwait’s status as a commercial hub of the world, whilst providing habitation and a desirable lifestyle for the proposed city’s 700,000 residents. The city will also create around 450,000 new jobs. The city, which is to be built in Subiya, north of Kuwait City, will be a unique city because its layout has been completely and meticulously planned from its inception. In this way, its growth will be less ‘organic’ than other cities, which often add housing and businesses as needed, but will benefit from clear demarcations between residential, financial, commercial, and leisure areas. The design is not simply about creating new living places, but creating an architectural space that induces contentment and well-being. The city is going to be built with its residents in mind and features large expanses of greenery along with all the normal amenities people in the modern world have become accustomed to. In fact, to guarantee the residents’ happiness, the city is designed so that you will never be more than three blocks away from a garden or water. The crown jewel of Madinat AI-Hareer will be the Burj Mubarak Al-Kabir. This tower, which will stand at 1001 meters and 200 storeys high, will house the equivalent of seven ‘vertical villages’. This imposing construction will dominate the skyline, and is just one example of the ways in which modern engineering allows designers to overcome the constraints of limited land.
علي : ازداد معدل الهجرة من الريف إلى المدينة لي بلاد عديدة بسبب السعي لحياة أفضل
خالد : ولكن لي اوروبا يحصل العكس فالكثير من كبار السن يتركون المدينة هربا من الازدحام وسعيا للاسترخاء
Unit 8 – Lesson 4
Inverted Sentences
– ……..No sooner …….. than …….. Hardly ……… when – ……… ……….Scarcely ………. when …….. Never . – …………….Rarely ………………………….. – Seldom – ……..Not only……… but also ……. Neither ………. nor – ……. ………Little ……………. So – …….. ……..Only (now – today – by chance)
Usual word order: I have never felt so happy in my life.
Inverted word order: Never have I felt so happy in my life.
1. I have seldom been so upset about something. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.! I have never been so proud of you ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. She only now understood the problem. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. I could not sleep because the situation was so strange. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. He had rarely seen something that made him so happy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. They had never seen such a beautiful sight. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. I little expected to see my friend at the library . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. They not only robbed you; they smashed everything. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. We had no sooner left the house than it exploded. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. We had hardly started when it began to rain. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Unit 8 – lesson 5
يلتقى بشخص مصادفة
على نحو كثيف
إزعاج – اضطراب
خجول و مرتبك
من كل مكان
فتنة و سحر
محور – مركز
زحام و ضجيج
عاصمة – مدينة
يحكي / يسرد قصة
بقايا – نثريات
يستجمع قواه
هادئ – مطمئن
Bump into
Far and wide
bustle and Hustle
Odds and ends
Pluck up the courage
From a , b , c and d , choose the right word to complete the meanings
1. Nobody can resist the …………….of food when feeling hungry.
2. Kuwait City is the ……………of Kuwait’s financial market.
c. hub
3. I like peace and quiet and can’t bear the………………….of markets.
4. ……………. .Having failed in his village, he left to begin his career in the
a. glamour
b. hub
c. depopulation
d. metropolis
5. The witnesses ………………the sequence of events which led to the crime.
a. graduated
b. narrated
c. deserted
d. exported
Complete these sentences with idioms from the box.
pick andchoose / byandlarge / nearest and dearest / odds and ends / far and wide / hustleandbustle / peace and quiet
A. People come from……………………………………..to see the Green Island in Kuwait.
B. I love spending time with……………………., so we often have family get-togethers.
C. While I was on holiday, I bought lots of…………………………….to give as presents.
D. There are lots of restaurants near here. You can………………….from about fifty.
E. Some people enjoy the…………………………. of shopping in street markets.
…………………………..F. He moved out of the city to get some.
G. City life,…………………………, is more stressful than living in the countryside.
Unit 7+8 vocabulary
مفيد و مريح
محاط بالأشجار
يضع بصمته على الشيء
ضخم وفخم ( كالقصر )
فاتن و رائع
موقف للمقيمين
Make it your own
Residents’ parking
Fill in the spaces with words from the list
(leafy/ palatial/ make it your own/ picturesque/ residents’ parking/ advantageous)
1. Her experience placed her in an/a……………………. position to apply for the job.
2. My house is located in ………………………suburban area.
3. There is a big villa for sale on the beach. You can………………………….quickly.
4. My father likes to buy a………………………………..villa in a calm green area.
5. The …………………………………………….. park around our house adds a lot to its beauty.
6. Having a …………………………………. around this hotel makes it comfortable to stay at.
? What would you say in the following situation
You friend is confused between living in the city or in the country-side. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Your friend wants to know the difference between your old house and new house. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Living in the countryside has a lot of advantages, but also many disadvantages. Write an essay of about 4 paragraphs (14 sentences – 160 words) about the advantages and disadvantages of living in either the countryside or the city.
3. They couldn’t ……………… my old computer, so I bought a new one.
d. work
4. Bart is a/an……………littleboy,he hatesmodern music and lovesclassical opera.
5. Jamal is a very ………………………………teacher, perhapsthe best we have.
c. competent
Unit 9 – lesson 1+2
? A. How have old pastimes changed in the modern world …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B. Make a list of leisure activities people enjoyed in the past and the ones they enjoy nowadays using the T- bar chart.
In the past
Read the 1st conversation and answer the following questions.
Conversation 1
? Salem : That’s a beautiful bike. Where did you buy it
Ahmed: I had it custom-made for me by an engineer who lives near here.
Salem : I should think that was expensive.
Ahmed: Not particularly, in fact not much more expensive than a good bike from a sports shop.
? Salem : Really? And when you say you ‘ had it made’, what do you mean
Ahmed: Well, I went to the engineer’s workshop and told him exactly what I wanted, which was a very light bike with a strong frame.
?Salem : And you can’t do that with a shop-bought bike, can you
Ahmed: No, that’s right- that’s because they’re mass-produced. You see, my bike is unique-no one else has got one like it.
1.? What is the opposite of the underlined word ‘custom-made’
a. integral
b. supple
c. mass-produced
d. vigorous
2.? Where did Ahmed get his bike
a. from a local shop
b. by mail order
c. he made it himself
d. from a local engineer
3.? How is Ahmeds bike different from other bikes
a. It is mass-produced.
b. It is not as heavy as other bikes.
c. It was much more expensive.
d. It has an unusual shape.
Read the 2nd conversation and answer the following questions.
Conversation 2 ? John: Can you give me a lift to the airport tomorrow
? Tom: No, sorry I can’t- I’m having the car repaired tomorrow. John: Where do you take it to
Tom: The little garage round the corner. They’re very good and not too expensive.
John: My father always used to repair his own car there. He was a very good mechanic.
Tom: Things have changed now-car engines are much more complicated than they used to be. For instance, my car engine is controlled by a computer processor- if anything goes wrong, I have to have it fixed by an expert.
John: In the old days everyone used to do their own car repairs-it wasn’t only my father.
1.? What do the speakers talk about
a. Agriculture
b. Car repairs
c. Cookery
d. Buying a bicycle
2. ? Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word ‘fixed’
a. repaired
b. deserved
c. reversed
d. narrated
3. According to Conversation 2, ONLY ONE of the following statements is TRUE
a. The young man is going to repair his own car.
b. The old man is going to repair the car.
c. The old man is a competent mechanic.
d. The car is going to be fixed at a garage.
Read the 3rd conversation and answer the following questions.
Conversation 3 Khalid: Read this new magazine Dad- I think you’ll like it.
? Father: It’s very good. Who made it
Khalid: Me and my friends.
Father: It looks really good.
Khalid: Thanks- it’s all our own ideas. We all investigate the stories, write the articles and design the layout.
? Father: Where did you have it put together
Khalid: We did it all ourselves on our home computer. It took over two months to write and edit it. We could have had it printed professionally but it’s much cheaper to do it this way, and you get complete control of how it looks.
1. ? What do the speakers talk about
a. Using a computer
b. Medical treatment
c. Car repairs
d. Buying a bicycle
2.: According to Conversation 3, ONLY ONE of the following statements about the boys is NOT TRUE
a. They wrote their own magazine.
b. Their magazine was printed professionally.
c. They spent more than 2 months writing and editing their magazine.
d. They used a computer to produce their magazine.
Unit 9 – Lesson 3
متوازي – في نفس التوقيت
فخار – صناعة الفخار
يعزز – يشجع – ينمي
بسلاسة – بسهولة تامة
يتفاعل اجتماعيا
parallel In.
Fill in the Spaces with the most suitable word from the list below
3. I used to go with my father to attend reading of ……………… …………………..poetry.
4………………………………… Now it’s easy to integrate data, texts, images and sound .
5. There is a quite big……………………….at the end of the hall on which students can show the various activities.
Choose the best word that completes each of the sentences below
1. A good healthy diet can……………………our physical andmental abilities.
a- promote
c- fix
d- conceal
2. Many ……………………writers depends on social media to publish their works.
b- contemporary
c- seamless
d- custom-made
3.He stepped up onto……………………………………..and started hisspeech.
a- craftsman
b- platform
c- pottery
d- workshop
4. Thistray is hand painted by the finest……………………………….It’sreally amazing.
b- cookery
c- craftsman
d- cone
5. He likes to ………………….with his coworkers after work ends.
a. promote
b. fix
c. narrate
d- socialize
Set-Book Questions
6. Bayt Lothan is an old house serving new purposes. Explain. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. ? What kind of workshops and lessons are held in Bayt Lothan ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. In your opinion, is it better to reuse old buildings or build new ones that perfectly ….suit a communities’ needs? Give reasons. In my opinion, it is better to
Build new buildings because
Reuse old buildings because
Unit 9 – Lesson 3
Summary and translation
In a paragraph of Four sentences ONLY, Summarize and Paraphrase the following passage in an answer to the following question ? What are the other uses of Bayt Lothan rather than being a coffee shop Covering over 4000 square meters, Bayt Lothan also houses an impressive art gallery and a successful community centre, which specializes in teaching art in both traditional and modern forms. Much of the space within the site has been transformed into workshops for arts, crafts and design. The site also provides a platform for artists and craftsmen to exhibit and promote their designs and artistic works. Workshops and lessons are held in the centre, with subjects as diverse as jewellery design and clay pottery being taught. The new and old mix seamlessly in these sessions, as contemporary photography is taught in parallel with Arabic calligraphy and manuscript decoration.
Nowadays many of us spend free time playing computer games, talking on the internet or watching television. But have you ever wondered how young people passed the time in the past? Before the invention of Nintendo, computers, television, radio and other modern-day entertainment devices we take for granted today, children had to make their own fun, often literally. The games of the past tended to involve groups socializing and playing a well- known game with well-known rules. They also often utilized items from their everyday life, such as rocks, shells sand and almost any other everyday item you can think of. Here are just a few games they enjoyed.
Al-Khabsah is a simple game, normally played by groups of girls. Each girl brings a few simple items such as shells, stones, beads and any other items the players can get their hands on. First, the girls form a pile, or cone, of sand and then wet it to make it more solid. The first girl places one of her items within the pile, and then splits this structure into smaller piles, thereby hiding her item within one of the smaller ones. At the given signal, the other girls search through these piles for the item that has been hidden. Whichever girl finds the item wins not only the game but also the item itself. It is then her turn to place an item in the large sand pile and repeat the game.
Dawama is a game played by two players. Each player has a spinning top, or Dawama, shaped like a cone and made from wood and string. The centre, or core, of the spinning top is taken out and replaced with a small piece of metal, made by a blacksmith, to make it stronger. The players wind a piece of string round it and pull it off quickly, making the cone spin rapidly on its point. The two players try to damage each other’s tops. The winner is the player whose Dawama suffers the least damage.
Ambar is a team sport which uses rocks and balls. The first team throws a ball at a pile od seven rocks in an attempt to scatter them. When they have done this, the second team take the ball. The first team then have toattempt to pile the rocks on top of each other, whilst the second team attempt to hit them with the ball. If a player is hit, or tagged with the ball, then he is out of the game. The first team win if they manage to pile all the rocks up without losing all their players. The second team win if they manage to get all the first team players out the game.
So there you have three classic Kuwaiti games. May be next time you’re thinking about playing the latest video game or watching TV, you’ll think of these traditional games instead and go and see your friends. Who knows, may be you’ll even invent some exciting games of your own
Read the text and choose the correct answer
1. The pronoun ‘’their’’ in the 1st paragraph refers to
a. computers
b. children
c. rules
d. items
2. The pronoun ‘’her’’ in the 2nd paragraph refers to
a. the first girl
b. an item
c. the girl who finds the item
d. sand pile
3. The pronoun ‘’its’’ in the 3rd paragraph refers to
a. the cone
b. the string
c. the core
d. none of them
4. The pronoun ‘’they’’ in the 4th paragraph refers to
a. rocks
b. balls
c. the first team
d. the second team
5. The word ‘’cone’’ in the 3rd paragraph means
a. wood
b. a 3D shape item
c. a rock
d. a string
6. One of the following sentences about Ambar is FALSE
a. It is played by two groups.
b. If the ball touch a player, he is out of the game.
c. Players use sand piles.
d. It can be played by two players
? In your opinion, which games are better, old games or new? Why
It is said that ‘’those who have no past have no present or future.’’ Write an essay of 4 paragraphs (14 sentences – 160 words) about the importance of keeping our past, and how people used to spend their time in the past in comparison with nowadays.
1. The students …………………………… important vocabulary words in their textbooks.
2……………………… My brother succeeded to get his driving license in the second
3……………………… One of the most difficult problems in mountain climbing is becoming sick when you get to the
4. The plant we bought is sensitive to …. heat and cold. Keep it in average temperature.
5. The little boys watched their balloons slowly ………………………… into the blue sky.
A. Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below: The seven summits
On February 5th , 2004, Kuwaiti climber Zed ‘Zeddy’ Al Refai became the first Arab man to ascend the highest mountain on every continent. He had reached the top of Mount Aconcagua in Argentina, South America, in four days. This was five years after he had climbed Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America. Apart from exhaustion and a little frost-bite, Zeddy was in good health and very happy to have joined the elite ‘seven summit’ club. These seven summits include Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth. Zeddy’s first attempt at Everest had almost ended in calamity and a member of his team had to carry him down the mountain and save his life. Zeddy showed his determination. He had been preparing for his second attempt for many months, and in 2003 he was able to get to the top of Mount Everest. He knew it would be the hardest thing he had ever done and was nervous despite the fact that he was an experienced climber. Conditions were perilous and for much of the climb he had been fighting extreme cold, strong winds, dizzying heights and dangerously low levels of oxygen, but he was able to reach the top. It was very difficult, but he knew he had a great team supporting him and this helped him to keep going. One of Zeddy’s aims in climbing the seven peaks was to highlight the importance of protecting the environment in the Gulf region and to inspire other Arabs to become involved in the sport. The year after climbing Aconcagua, Zeddy travelled to the mountains in Pakistan to help his fellow Muslims following the huge earthquake and take part in reconstruction efforts. You may think that Zed Al Refai had had enough of mountains after all these expeditions, but the following year he scaled the Matterhorn, a difficult and dangerous mountain in Switzerland.
B) From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer
1. The main idea of the 3rd paragraph is
a. Getting to the top of Mount Everest.
b. Determination fights obstacles and achieve your dream.
c. Preparation for the 2nd attempt.
d. Zed is an experienced climber.
2. According to the passage, all the following statements are TRUE except
a. Zed had climbed Mount McKinley in 2000.
b. He succeeded to reach Mount Everest in his 2nd attempt.
c. One of Zed’s aims was to motivate Arabs to be climbers.
d. Zed didn’t stop climbing even after he had joined “Seven Summit” club.
3. The writer’s main purpose in writing this passage is to
a. Talk about “Seven Summit” club.
b. Mention the names of the summits of the world.
c. Celebrate the achievement of Zed Al Refai.
d. Encourage us to help people in disasters.
C) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions
1.? Why do some people push themselves to extreme limits ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.? What qualities do you need to take part in an adventure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
B) With reference to the passage, answer the following questions
3. A mountain climber may face some difficulties. Mention them. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ? What kind of preparation should people make before going on expeditions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 10
Summary + Translation
Summary Making
In four sentences of your own With reference to the text (in page 70 workbook) and the timeline below, summaries and paraphrase the records of Steve Fossett in answer to the following question
? What are the most important dates in Fossett’s career
1. Cloning is a remarkable ……………….. of genetic engineering, however there is still a controversy over such an issue. 2. He is such a stubborn and …………….. man that no one can make him change his mind.
3. Lifelong learning enables you to ………………………. the rapid change of technology.
4. The flames rapidly …………………………. the house.
5. I always ………….. the weekend as I really forget about tension of daily work activities.
From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word
1. assume that everyone here is ready to ………………. with carrying out charity projects.
a. crave
b. assist
c. engulf
d. exhilarate
2. . can be combined with cameras to produce excellent photos at sport events……………
a. Binoculars
b. Individuals
c. Backpacks
d. Sandstorms
3. Sir Edmund Hillary is the first …………………. ever to reach the top of Mount Everest.
a. mountaineer
b. feat
c. endeavor
d. expedition
4. Success never comes haphazardly. It’s the result of clear vision, planning, determination, self-confidence and …………………….. training and work.
a. challenging
b. grueling
c. magnificent
d. amazing
5. Her new job ……………………………… a lot of hard work.
a. engulfs
b. highlights
c. entails
d. clambers
You are going to write a response to an advert for a place on a Kuwaiti expedition to the summit of Mount Everest.
a. Write your reply in about 200 words.
b. Check your letter for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.
? DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES ? Are you the kind of person who loves the challenge ? Do you crave adventure and excitement ? Do you long for the chance to prove yourself
Is the answer to these questions is yes then you could be just what we are looking for. The Kuwaiti Adventure Club, along with his team of experienced mountaineers, is planning a challenging and arduous expedition to the summit of Mount Everest and we are looking for motivated, strong-willed individuals to assist us. This is the chance of a lifetime to experience one of the planet’s most magnificent environments and to take part in an amazing feat of human endeavor. If you think you have what it takes, please write telling us why you should be chosen for this expedition,what skills and attributes you will contribute, and how you will cope with a huge effort such an expedition entails .
‘’You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits.’’ Plan and write an essay of 4 paragraphs (14 sentences – 160 words) showing the reasons people try to push their limits for and the difficulties of taking such risks.
1…………………………. Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the
2. The whole play was ……………………………………………….. with great precision.
3. The conversation …………………………………………… around childcare problems.
4. ? Are you sure that can follow this diet without ……………………………. to my health
5. A …………………………… being is capable of experiencing things through its senses.
Unit 11 Lesson 1 + 2 Set-Book
A. Read and listen to the interviews then choose the correct answer from a, b, c, and d
Interview 1 Interviewer What do you think of space travel? Do you think it’s a good idea or not Speaker 1 I think it’s very exciting and really admire the scientists who design the spacecraft and execute the missions. I know that it can be very costly, but it is so important to push scientific boundaries. If we explore Mars and other planets, we will discover interesting information about our own planet. find the concept of space travel endlessly fascinating
. Interviewer What made you so interested space travel? Speaker 1 I visited the Scientific Centre in Kuwait two years ago and we were able to speak with astronauts on the International Space Station. Establishing contact with them was one of the most awe-inspiring moments of my life Interviewer Thank you very much
Interview 2 Interviewer Can ask you what you think of space travel? Are you for or against it Speaker 2 I’m completely against it! I think it’s an abhorrent waste of money and don’t understand why they are doing it. What is it for? Do they think that when there are too many people on Earth, we can all move to the Moon or Mars? If I were in charge, I’d discontinue all space travel immediately. Interviewer But maybe there is sentient life on other planets. Speaker 2 In my opinion it is obvious humans are the only living beings in the universe. If there had been life on Mars, we would have found it. Interviewer Thank you very much.
Interview 3 ? Interviewer Can I ask you what you think of space travel? Are you in favor of it or not Speaker 3 I think all kinds of exploration are important. Human beings are inherently curious. We want to explore everything in our Universe. If intrepid explorers in the past hadn’t set sail in their boats, they wouldn’t have discovered other civilizations. The world would be a very different place today. Science and exploration can either move forward and help man to progress or stand still, which will be to the detriment of technological advances. Interviewer But space exploration is so expensive. We could use the money to end poverty in the world, or to feed the hungry. Speaker 3 I agree we should try to end poverty, but not by halting space exploration. If we had stopped space exploration in 1960, men wouldn’t have walked on the Moon. Thousands of beneficial innovations have evolved from the work of space scientists, particularly in digital technology, food production, medicine and alternative energy technology. Interviewer Thank you very much
1.: The meaning of the underlined word “concept” in the 1st interview is
a. Idea
b. Boundary
c. Moment
d. Life
2.? Why is speaker 2 is against space travel
a. Because humans are the only living beings in the universe.
b. Because he is not in charge.
c. Because he doesn’t like travelling in a spacecraft.
d. Because it is an abhorrent waste of money.
3. The main idea in the three interviews is
a. Why some people are for while others are against space exploration.
b. How we can end poverty on Earth.
c. What is needed to live on a planet.
d. Why we explore space.
4. The purpose of speaker 3 in the 3rd interview is to
a. Compare between the Earth and other planets.
b. Tell a funny story about space.
c. Inform us how to explore new planets.
d. Show the importance of the exploration.
5. The underlined word “them” in the 1st interview refers to
a. Astronauts.
b. Other planets.
c. Two years.
d. Scientific boundaries
B. With reference to the interviews, answer the following questions
1. ? Are you for or against Space Travel (Space Exploration)? Why
? What are the pros and cons of Space Travel (Space Exploration)
Cons (Disadvantages)
Pros (Advantages)
2. ? What risks do astronauts face in space …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ? Mention some space innovation that enhanced our life on earth …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.? Are you for or against space tourism? Why …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Summary + Translation
Summary Making
In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarize and paraphrase the following passage in an answer to the following question
? What are the differences between Venus and the Earth
Some people contend that Venus is the Earth’s sister planet because there are many similarities between the two. They are comparable in size and are approximately the same age. However, there is also much contrast between Venus and the Earth. Venus is devoid of oceans and has a very heavy atmosphere, 96.5% of which is composed of carbon dioxide. Because the atmosphere is so heavy, Venus has an extremely high surface temperature (459 C). A Venusian day is equal to 243 Earth days. This is longer than its year, which is equivalent to 225 Earth days.
1. Two loads of woolen cloth were …………………………… to the factory in December.
2. They ………………………….. the men’s faces closely, trying to work out who is lying.
3. The job will take ……………………. three weeks.
4. One wall of the stadium is now almost completely ……………. by another tall building.
5. The relationship between success and effort is ………………………… by the students.
Unit 11 – Lesson 4 – Grammar
Passive Voice
From a,b,c and d choose the most suitable word
1. In most major cities of the United States, the mayor ……………… by a simple majority.
a. is being elected
b. had been elected
c. is elected
d. were being elected
2. My passport ………………………………. last year while I was on vacation.
a. is stolen
b. were stolen
c. was stolen
d. was being stolen
3. I think students …… to major in the sciences at this university for the past several years.
a. was being encouraged
b. had be encouraged c. are being encouraged
d. have been encouraged
4. The results of Claire’s study ………………………………….. by her advisor right now.
a. are being reviewed
b. was reviewed
c. is reviewed
d. had been reviewed
5. Many issues ……………………….. at the meeting by the time you arrived.
a. are raised
b. had been raised
c. raised
d. have been raised
6. ……………………….We couldn’t drive over the bridge because it
a. is reconstructed
b. was being reconstructed
c. has reconstructed
d. reconstructed
Change the following sentences into passive
a. I think they make these cars in Japan. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. They have already mended the TV set. You can collect it now. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. Don’t enter the room. They are decorating the walls. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
d. Someone smashed our window last night. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
e. They had cooked the meal before 10 o’clock. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
f. We should invite Ahmad to the conference. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Unit 11 – Lesson 4 – Grammar
Correlative Conjunctions
Do as shown between brackets
1. Ahmed enjoys the movie. Hamad enjoys the movie. (Join using: both…and) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I’ll have the cheesecake. I’ll have the frozen hot chocolate. (Join using: both…and) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. You clean your room. You’ll stay home at this weekend. (Use: either…or) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. The manager isn’t here. His assistants aren’t here today. (Use: neither…nor) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Complete the sentences using either/or and neither/nor.
a. ………………….. poverty …………………… disease are solved through space travel.
b. ……………. we learn from the amazing technology that we have ………………. we let it go to waste.
c. I am ……………………. in favour of space exploration ………………………….. against it.
d. ……………….. we fund space programmes properly ………………… we forget about exploring the boundaries of our universe.
e. On Mars, there is …………………… air to breathe ……………………. water to drink.
……………………….f. Opinion is divided about the International Space Station. People think it is exciting and pushing the frontiers of our knowledge …………………. it is too expensive.
Unit 11 – Lesson 5
باعث على / محفز
بشكل استثنائي
أقمار غير إصطناعية
على متن طائرة / سفينة
بطريقة عنيفة أو غير مهذبة
النظام الشمسي
فائق / متميز / رائع
يتضاءل / ينمحق للقمر
satellites natural.
on board
System Solar.
A- From a, b, c, and d choose the most suitable word
1. The telescope is one of the most important…………………………….devices.
a. astronomical
b. on board
c. conducive
d. superb
2. The moonlight………..when it gradually appears less and less round, after the full moon.
a. orbits
b. wanes
c. dispatches
d. alerts
3. I used to enjoy going to the theatre, but I don’t get much……………………..now.
a. concept
b. habitation
c. solar system
d. opportunity
4. A……………………….is an object that orbits a planet. It is usually called a moon.
a. detriment
b. natural satellite
c. mission
d. universe
5. ……………………….A recent survey found that 20 % of dwellings are unfit for human
a. habitation
b. frontier
c. concept
d. mission
B- Fill in the spaces with the suitable word from the list
(on board – roughly – conducive – solar system – exceptionally – superb)
1. Messi scored a/an ……………………goal at the end of the first half.
2. There were ……………………….40000 people in the stadium that night.
3. The ………………………is the sun and the group of planets which move around it.
4. Ronaldo is a/an…………………………talented footballer.
5. They arrived at the airport…………………..a plane chartered by the Egyptian government.
The Red Planet
Mars has held people’s fascination on Earth for a long time because it is the only other planet with the potential to sustain life. However, as with the other planets in our solar system (except Earth), its atmosphere lacks oxygen and is not conducive to human habitation.
A Mars year lasts 687 days, meaning that it takes roughly two Earth years to orbit the Sun. Mars has two tiny natural satellites, the moons Phobos and Deimos.
1. Use the highlighted vocabulary, information from the paragraph above and your own knowledge to write a description of Earth, with the title The Blue Planet.
‘Scientists are desperate to know about space.’’ Plan and write an essay of 4 paragraphs (14 sentences – 160 words) about the advantages and disadvantages of space exploration.
2. The internet is now an important and ……………………..way for communication.
a. unprecedented
b. electrochemical
c. intrepid
d. sentient
3. ……………………. Adnan ,the famous tennis player is an Olympic.
a. medalist
b. deputy
c. sponsor
d. sewage
4. Can’t you see this ……………machine? It can convert the power of water into energy.
a. unprecedented
b. electrochemical
c. intrepid
d. sentient
5. A discussion ………………………is a way of contacting people with similar interests.
a. medalist
b. deputy
c. forum
d. sewage
Set Book
1- ? What qualities would a person need to be a successful inventor ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- ? How can the government of a country encourage people to be creative ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 12 – Lesson 4
Adding information (Relative and – ing clauses)
Rewrite the following using a verb in the “-ing” form.
1. A-She could beat adults in memory games which involved numbers.
B-She could beat adults in memory games involving numbers.
2. A- This medicine will stop that stomach disorder which makes you dizzy.
B- This medicine will stop that stomach disorder making you dizzy.
3. A- I admire the man who admits his failure.
………………………………………………………………………………………………B- I admire the man.
4. A- He is now a PhD student in London where he is doing high level research.
………………………………………………………………………………………………B- He is now a PhD student in London.
5. A- A newspaper published stories, in which they accused the President of spending money extravagantly.
………………………………………………………………………………………………B- A newspaper published stories.
6. A- In his first season , he came first in every race , where he beat the previous record for a new jockey
………………………………………………………………………………………………B- In his first season , he came first in every race
as + …adjective.. + as
• Mohammed is smart. Nader is smart.
Mohammed is as smart as Nader.
• Oil is precious. Gold is precious.
Oil is as precious as gold.
Join the following using as …. as
1. Reading stories is interesting. Watching movies is interesting. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Newton was genius. Einstein was genius, too. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. The weather is Brazil is hot. The weather in Kuwait is hot. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Hamad is 185 centimeters tall. Hassan is 185 centimeters tall. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. He is skilled at playing piano. His brother is skilled at playing the piano too. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. He is very fast. He is like a train. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. Hussein and Ahmed are equally good at Math. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Unit 12 – Lesson 5
يقلق قلق شديد
ببذخ / بإسراف
حياة مرفهة – ناعمة
فارس السباقات
ينكر / يرفض
موسم / فصل
Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the list
( repudiate – season – accusation – high living – extravagantly – agonized – jockey )
1. No evidence to support the ……………………………………….. has ever been emerged.
2. We ………………………………… for hours about which car to buy.
3. ………………………………….He was the son of wealthy parents; he is used to .
4. They were ……………………………………………… luxurious.
5. No one could ………………………………………….. truth, goodness, and all humanity.
6. ………………………………….Fruit is cheaper when it’s in
On: Monday / 21st June / on a bus (by bus) / keen on
In : June /2009 / summer / the morning / the evening / afternoon / interested in / in a few seconds / succeed in / in a row
At : 5 o’clock / night / noon / mid night / mid noon / arrive at / at the top /at a very early age / at random / at present / at the meeting / at the front of
With: angry with / deal with / satisfied with
For: the reason for / grateful for
Of: fond of / the cause of / in a matter of seconds / the soup of the day
Throughout: throughout Kuwait / throughout his life
By: by bus / by car / surrounded by / by a computer / by the end of
From a, b, c and d choose the suitable preposition
1. I am grateful…………….my teachers who teach me good things.
a. in
b. on
c. for
d. by
2. We don’t go to school…………….Fridays.
a. on
b. at
c. of
d. with
3. The next flight arrives………………12.30 p.m.
a. by
b. of
c. in
d. at
4. My little brother is fond………………playing chess.
a. of
b. by
c. with
d. for
5. My brother will finish his study abroad………………..2016.
a. with
b. in
c. of
d. on
6. ……….Fridays, we usually go fishing.
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. For
7. My mother is usually angry……………me after getting up late.
a. in
b. of
c. at
d. with
Unit 12 – Lesson 7+8
متناسق – مصطف
خلود – ابدية
علم الوراثة
ذري – جزيئي
بلا تدخل ( جراحي )
مستقبل – ملتقى
Fill in the spaces with the correct answer 1.studies heredity and how genes can affect the humans general health. ……………………..
a- Accolade
b- Bladder
c- Eternity
d- Genetics
2. ………………………They haven’t been given these rights for
b- recipient
c- eternity
d- researcher
3. A ………………is an organ inside the body where urine is collected before it is passed out.
a- bladder
b- nomination
c- eternity
d- recipient
4…………………….. . According to his great achievements, he was finally given a/an
a- accolade
b- bladder
c- nomination
d- genetics
5. Look! A great number of cars are ……………………… in the long street.
a- gifted
b- non-invasive
c- aligned
d- molecular
Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the list
Read the following passage, then do as required Writing is one of the most important inventions of humanity. It allows us to record our history, ideas, and discoveries. As writing developed, so did writing tools. First, the early cavemen used brushes made from animal hair to paint pictures on cave walls. The pictures usually told stories about their hunts. After several centuries, the Egyptians invented a simple kind of pen made of reed, which is a tall plant like grass. Later, the Chinese used metal tools to carve their characters into turtle shells and cattle bones. After many decades, people developed different writing tools such as fountain pens and ballpoint pens with tiny ink tanks in them. Only time will tell what writing tools our children and grandchildren will be using in the future. In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarize and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following question:
How have the writing tools developed throughout history