مذكرة انجليزي حادي عشر ف2 #أ. محمد السيد 2021 2022
READING COMPREHENSION Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions that follow:
The Internet has become an important part of our modern lives. In fact, it is impossible for many people to imagine a day without some contact with the Internet. Most people use the Internet to shop, send e-mails, and for social networking. However, some people find it hard to control how much time they spend online. So, how much Internet is too much Internet? Experts and researchers agree that people who use the Internet so much that it causes problems with their daily activities are spending too much time online. Signs of Internet addiction include spending more and more time online, reducing or giving up social, work-related, or hobby-related activities in favour of spending time online, and giving up sleep to spend time on the Internet. Experts say that this becomes a real problem when a person starts experiencing problems in sleeping, problems in their home and work life, and problems in having good social relationships. People who use the Internet excessively also seem to be more likely to show signs of depression. How do you know if you are spending too much time online? Some common warning signs include checking your e-mail every few minutes, always thinking about your next online session, and getting complaints from the people around you about how much time you spend online. Showing any of these signs may mean that you are on your way to becoming addicted to the Internet. However, experts agree that there is hope. They say that simply understanding that spending too much time online is a problem may be the first step to solving the problem. They believe that, in most cases, doing something as simple as creating a better system for managing your time online can solve it. Getting a hobby that doesn’t involve the Internet or any electronics is something they propose. A final suggestion is to have more relationships in real life. The Internet is a wonderful tool for communicating and finding information. However, as with most things in life, you have to learn to use it carefully, and make sure you keep a healthy balance between it and the other important things in your life.
A) From a, b, c or d, choose the correct answer:
1. What is the best title for this passage? a. Internet Usage b. Internet Addiction c. Internet Problems d. Internet Communication
3. The underlined word “their” in the 2nd paragraph refers to: a. experts b. people c. problems d. researches
4. According to paragraph 3, one of the following is not mentioned as a sign of addiction. a. Experiencing signs of depression. b. Experiencing problems in sleeping. c. Experiencing problems in work life. d. Experiencing having good social relationships.
5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the signs of spending much time online? a. Checking e-mails every few minutes. b. Thinking about the next online session. c. Getting complaints from others about your time online. d. Thinking about the problem of spending much time online.
B) Answer the following questions:
6. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
7. How do most people use the Internet nowadays?
9. What does it mean to receive a lot of complaints about your time online
There are various methods to evaluate students, such as periodical tests and final exams. A teacher can notice how far his students are responsive to him. Some teachers often test their students on the spot to ensure they are on task. School activities, too, may be another evaluation area. They can practise doing things physically or mentally to show their interests, hobbies and characters. Evaluation is vital for developing the learning process and motivating students. Learning without testing could never achieve its ends, for testing reveals students’ progress and evaluates methods of teaching. Therefore, evaluation aims at improving the students’ level and the teachers’ methods. According to students’ scores, a teacher can adopt new methods to improve his students’ standards.
In a paragraph of FOUR sentences ONLY, summarise and paraphrase the passage above in answer to the following question:
What are the advantages of evaluation for both students and teachers?
The media
has many positive and negative effects. The positive effects of media are so many. First, we depend on media to know about what is happening around us. We get the latest news. Second, it is a great means of entertainment. For example, I enjoy watching matches, drama and movies. Also, media can help to raise awareness.
On the other hand, the negative effects of media are also so many. Sometimes, media can lead people to negative and destructive thinking. For example, it can help to promote and spread violence. Also, media can mislead people by glorifying certain issues by making heroes out of ordinary people.
The media has to be as truthful as possible. The media should respect the affairs of other countries. It shouldn’t lie and mislead people to form their opinions. Furthermore, mass media should respect the minds their viewers, listeners and readers.
– Fill in the spaces with the correct words from the list:
{comedy / promote / channel-surf / inactivity lage-appropriate / mentally! miss out on}
1. We should actively ……………… the use of alternative energy sources.
2. Social media is sometimes used to escape from reality and this can cause you to…………….. real world.
3. It’s going to be a tough competition but I’m….. ………. prepared for it.
4. There’s a nice……………. movie on TV this evening. Don’t miss it.
5. That outfit isn’t really……………… You should wear something more suitable for you.
6. Most computer games result in…………..and make children out of shape.
Set Book
1- What positive impact does watching television have on the life of teens?
2- According to you, what negative impacts do watching television have on the life of teens? Put some simple rules for solving this problem.