مذكرة انجليزي للصف التاسع الفصل الثاني ا. شيرين الخس
مذكرة انجليزي للصف التاسع الفصل الثاني أ. شيرين الخس : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف التعليمي مجموعة كبيرة من الاسئلة والتدريبات المتنوعة بالاضافة الى دروس وشرح لقواعد جاءت في المنهج تم اعدادها لتقيس فهم الطالب لما درسه وتعلمه خلال الفصل الدراسي وتساعده بالتحضير للامتحان النهائي
مذكرة انجليزي الصف التاسع الفصل الثاني أ. شيرين الخس : بإمكانكم تحميل هذا الملف على صيغة ملف بي دي اف جاهز للتشغيل على اي جهاز الكتروني او تصفحه فقط من خلال هذه الصفحة من الموقع مباشرة
Past Perfect Tense
(Formation Sub + had + V3 (P.P
Usage : We use the past perfect tense along with the simple past tense
to show the order of two actions that happened in the past
We use the past perfect with the action that happened and finished first
I went to a party last week. Tom went to the party too. Tom went home at 10:30. So, when I arrived at 11:00. Tom wasn’t there, When I arrived at the party. Tom wasn’t there
He had gone home This is the past perfect (simple) tense
he/she (etc.) had (-1/he’d/shed, etc.) gone I he/she (etc.) hadn’t gone had you/he/she (etc.) gone
use Past Perfect after the following keywords
Use Past Simple after the following Keywords
After – because – as soon as
when -before- by the time – until
A)- Choose the correct answer
Today, I didn’t eat well at lunch because I (had – had had – was having) late breakfast. After we had finished lunch, we (watched- have watched – had watched) a movie at the cinema. Then, we went shopping. I got hungry, so as soon as we had arrived home, I (prepared – was preparing-had prepared) a sandwich
B)- Correct the verbs in brackets
By the time I arrived at the airport, the plane (take off) ……………………..So, I had to book a new ticket
The children (tidy up)…………….. their rooms, before they went to the playground,
When I (return)…………..home, I realised that I had forgotten my keys in the office,
I recognised Haya the moment I saw her because I (meet……………her twice recently
(If conditional (3
could If + sub. + had + V3 (P.P.), Sub.would ] have +
I might (It refers to regret, blame or imaginary past situation) e.g : If I had done my work, my teacher wouldn’t have punished me. (but he did)
If I had done my work, my teacher wouldn’t have been angry but he was
If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam. (but I failed)
(Sub. + (wish / wishes) + Sub. + had + V3 (P.P.) (It refers to past situations that you wish had been different) e.g : I wish I had learned more languages at school. (but I didn’ I wish I hadn’t wasted my time, I would have studied more. (but I wasted it)
(Sub + (wish / wishes) + Sub. + Simple Past
(It is used if you want things to be different)
e.g : I wish it stopped raining. (but it is still raining)
A)- Choose the correct answer
If I had paid more, that man (would sold-sold-would have sold) me the watch that I wanted
I would have brought more money if I (have known-had known- knew) the price he wanted
I wish I (called – had called – was calling) earlier
B)- De as shown in brackets
I wish I (have)…………………….the chance to travel around the world. (correct
If Ahmed (not – travel)………… to France, he wouldn’t have enjoyed looking at
the amazing paintings at the Louvre) Museum. (correct)
If the bag hadn’t been that expensive, I…….. (complete
طريقة تنزيل مذكرة انكليزي الصف التاسع الفصل الثاني أ. شيرين الخس
بعد تصفحك للملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال ملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال خطوات بسيطة هي:
- الضغط على زر التحميل الموجود اول المقال.
- الانتظار والتمهل حتى ينتهي العداد التلقائي.
- اضغط على زر التنزيل.
- شغل الملف على جهازك ببرنامج وتطبيق قراءة بي دي اف.
- اترك لنا تعليق تحفيزي.
- شارك المقال بين اصدقائك.
تابعنا على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي لموقع مدرستي
صفحة مدرستي على الفيس بوك ( اضغط هنا )
قناة مدرستي على التليجرام ( اضغط هنا )
شارك الملف
مذكرة انجليزي للصف التاسع الفصل الثاني أ. شيرين الخس : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف التعليمي مجموعة كبيرة من الاسئلة والتدريبات المتنوعة بالاضافة الى دروس وشرح لقواعد جاءت في المنهج تم اعدادها لتقيس فهم الطالب لما درسه وتعلمه خلال الفصل الدراسي وتساعده بالتحضير للامتحان النهائي
مذكرة انجليزي الصف التاسع الفصل الثاني أ. شيرين الخس : بإمكانكم تحميل هذا الملف على صيغة ملف بي دي اف جاهز للتشغيل على اي جهاز الكتروني او تصفحه فقط من خلال هذه الصفحة من الموقع مباشرة
Past Perfect Tense
(Formation Sub + had + V3 (P.P
Usage : We use the past perfect tense along with the simple past tense
to show the order of two actions that happened in the past
We use the past perfect with the action that happened and finished first
I went to a party last week. Tom went to the party too. Tom went home at 10:30. So, when I arrived at 11:00. Tom wasn’t there, When I arrived at the party. Tom wasn’t there
He had gone home This is the past perfect (simple) tense
he/she (etc.) had (-1/he’d/shed, etc.) gone I he/she (etc.) hadn’t gone had you/he/she (etc.) gone
use Past Perfect after the following keywords
Use Past Simple after the following Keywords
After – because – as soon as
when -before- by the time – until
A)- Choose the correct answer
Today, I didn’t eat well at lunch because I (had – had had – was having) late breakfast. After we had finished lunch, we (watched- have watched – had watched) a movie at the cinema. Then, we went shopping. I got hungry, so as soon as we had arrived home, I (prepared – was preparing-had prepared) a sandwich
B)- Correct the verbs in brackets
By the time I arrived at the airport, the plane (take off) ……………………..So, I had to book a new ticket
The children (tidy up)…………….. their rooms, before they went to the playground,
When I (return)…………..home, I realised that I had forgotten my keys in the office,
I recognised Haya the moment I saw her because I (meet……………her twice recently
(If conditional (3
could If + sub. + had + V3 (P.P.), Sub.would ] have +
I might (It refers to regret, blame or imaginary past situation) e.g : If I had done my work, my teacher wouldn’t have punished me. (but he did)
If I had done my work, my teacher wouldn’t have been angry but he was
If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam. (but I failed)
(Sub. + (wish / wishes) + Sub. + had + V3 (P.P.) (It refers to past situations that you wish had been different) e.g : I wish I had learned more languages at school. (but I didn’ I wish I hadn’t wasted my time, I would have studied more. (but I wasted it)
(Sub + (wish / wishes) + Sub. + Simple Past
(It is used if you want things to be different)
e.g : I wish it stopped raining. (but it is still raining)
A)- Choose the correct answer
If I had paid more, that man (would sold-sold-would have sold) me the watch that I wanted
I would have brought more money if I (have known-had known- knew) the price he wanted
I wish I (called – had called – was calling) earlier
B)- De as shown in brackets
I wish I (have)…………………….the chance to travel around the world. (correct
If Ahmed (not – travel)………… to France, he wouldn’t have enjoyed looking at
the amazing paintings at the Louvre) Museum. (correct)
If the bag hadn’t been that expensive, I…….. (complete
طريقة تنزيل مذكرة انكليزي الصف التاسع الفصل الثاني أ. شيرين الخس
بعد تصفحك للملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال ملف اعلى المقال يجب ان تقوم بتنزيله على جهازك من خلال خطوات بسيطة هي:
- الضغط على زر التحميل الموجود اول المقال.
- الانتظار والتمهل حتى ينتهي العداد التلقائي.
- اضغط على زر التنزيل.
- شغل الملف على جهازك ببرنامج وتطبيق قراءة بي دي اف.
- اترك لنا تعليق تحفيزي.
- شارك المقال بين اصدقائك.
تابعنا على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي لموقع مدرستي
صفحة مدرستي على الفيس بوك ( اضغط هنا )
قناة مدرستي على التليجرام ( اضغط هنا )