نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019


ملف: نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019


نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019 نقدمه لكم في ملف بي دي اف مجانا للتحميل والتصفح من موقعنا مدرستي


امتحان الفترة الدراسية الأولى العام الدراسي 2019/2018

Total Mark (60 Marks) – I- Reading

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

1. I will try my best to come to your birthday party but I cannot …………. you.

a) capable     b) compelled   c) pure    d) separate

3. He had to choose his favourite car among a/an …………….. of fifty new ones.
a) obesity b) collection c) equator d) pleasure

4. My family and I have …………… been to Turkey. We only arrived two weeks ago.
a) recently   b) unfairly   c) extremely   d) securely

b) Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list:
(cool down / countless / dispose of adequate / astonished)

5. You can dispose of all the drink cans and the empty bottles in the recycling bin.
6. We were astonished to know that our class was chosen to go to the Scientific Centre.
7. The football trainer asked the team to cool down after an hour of hard training.
8. While camping in the desert, we enjoyed watching the countless stars in the dark sky.



B- Reading Comprehension – Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:

My four grown children were all home visiting last weekend so we decided to go out for breakfast. My young granddaughter had never had pancakes before, so we were excited about her trying them. We ordered different kinds of pancakes and the baby loved them.

There was a lovely environment at the table and lots of smiles. As I was looking around the table, enjoying this wonderful scene, a lady at a nearby table caught my eyes. She was eating her breakfast alone quietly, in the corner. She frequently looked over and smiled as my granddaughter was laughing loudly. Suddenly, I had a great idea. I took out a smile card from my bag and called the waitress. I explained to her that I wanted to pay that lady’s bill secretly and that instead of the bill she would give her the smile card.

The waitress came over and told us that the lady had passed the smile card on and paid for another table before she left. How great! Not only that, the waitress then came back later and told us that the second table had now paid for someone else and passed the smile card on too! I couldn’t believe it when the waitress came back and told us that the third table had done the same thing.

What was really amazing, though, was that by the time we left, half the room had ended up paying for a different table! Isn’t that great?

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:
9. The underlined word “her” in the 2″. paragraph refers to:
a) the granddaughter b) the lady c) the idea d) the waitress

10. The opposite of the underlined word “excited” in the 1″. paragraph is:
a) uninterested b) uncomfortable c) uncontrolled d) unsuccessful



11. The main idea of the 3. paragraph is:
a) The children’s visit to their grandma
b) The lonely lady and her order
c) The amazing effect of the smile card
d) The feeling of having pancakes

12. The writer’s purpose of writing this story is to show that:
a) the action of kindness grows and multiplies quickly.
b) special kinds of food bring the family members together.
c) you should be careful when you smile at people’s faces.
d) it’s always a good idea to pay your bill in restaurants.

13. According to the story, all the following statements are NOT TRUE Except:
a) The lonely lady was poor and hungry.
b) The grandmother was rich and wanted to play a game.
c) The little girl asked her grandmother to use the smile card.
d) No one knew that the grandmother paid for the lady’s bill.

14. The best word that describes the waitress is:
a) lazy b) helpful c) funny d) shy

b) Answer the following questions:

15. How many children did the writer have?
She had four children.

16. Why was the writer so amazed at the end?
Because by the time they left, half the room had ended up paying for a different table.



II- Writing – A-Grammar

a) Choose the correct answer from words in the brackets:
17. (Apply – Applying – Applied) for a job while studying is not easy nowadays. My brother is 15 years old and he is (too – so – very) young to work anywhere. My father (takes – took – – has taken) him to his office for two months to learn something useful. I’m sure he will be as (clever – – cleverer – cleverest) as my father in business.

b) Do as shown between brackets:

18. We sent them an e-mail. We wanted to congratulate them. [Join with in order to]
We sent them an e-mail in order to congratulate them.

19. You allowed them to watch the late night movie, didn’t you? [Tag question]

20. She always listens to music when she cooks in the kitchen. [Make Negative]
She never listens / She doesn’t listen


B- Writing ( 20 marks)
Write on the following topic:
“Astronauts explore outer space and have contributed a great amount to space exploration studies.”

Plan and write a composition of two paragraphs (not less than 10 sentences) about how astronauts spend their time in a space shuttle and the special equipment they use.

*Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion.





ملفات تهم طلاب الصف الثامن :

نموذج اجابة اجتماعيات الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة اسلامية الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة رياضيات الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الاحمدي الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة عربي الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019

نموذج اجابة اسلامية الصف الثامن منطقة العاصمة الفصل الاول 2018-2019


لتحميل ملف نموذج اجابة انجليزي الصف الثامن منطقة الفروانية الفصل الاول 2018-2019 قم باتباع هذه الخطوات:

  • اضغط على عبارة “تحميل الملف”.
  • ستنتقل الي صفحة الملف على سحابة Google Drive تلقائيا.
  • تصفح الملف أو قم بتحميله من خلال النقر على رمز التحميل اعلى الصفحة.
  • عند تنزيل الملف يتم تشغيله من خلال برنامج قارئ بي دي إف.
  • دعمكم لنا من خلال مشاركة رابط المقال ووضع التعليقات التحفيزية يكون دافعا لنشر المزيد من ملفات تعليم الكويت.


تابعنا على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي لموقع مدرستي 

صفحة مدرستي على الفيس بوك ( اضغط هنا )

قناة مدرستي على التليجرام ( اضغط هنا )

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