مذكرة شاملة انجليزي سادس ف2 #أ. مصطفى الجندي

مذكرة شاملة انجليزي سادس ف2 #أ. مصطفى الجندي


ملف: مذكرة شاملة انجليزي سادس ف2 #أ. مصطفى الجندي


مذكرة شاملة انجليزي سادس ف2 #أ. مصطفى الجندي

Grade 6 – Second Term

Module 3

Unit 7

دورة المياه 








منظرة – مرآة


سيدا – في خط مستقيم


خط انابيب


ناقلة نفط / ماء
















water cycle















Unit 8

مواد كيماوية


لحسن الحظ


ينقي – يطهر







مصباح كهربي

توفير الكهرباء

القطب الشمالي

القب الجنوبي

يخسر – يفقد


يطفئ – يسكر































light bulb


pole north

pole south


put on

off put


Unit 9

علم الجبر


مقابلة شخصية


مرض السرطان


علم الفيزياء

علم الكيمياء





خارج الدولة


























1- Vocabulary

Unit 7

1- Scientists do a lot of ……………………. in the science labs.

a) mirrors

b) experiments

 c) floods

 d) tankers

2- ………….The process of the water movement on earth is called

a) degree

b) temperature

c) water cycle

 d) result

3- We should …………………. the food before eating it.

a) blow

 b) heat


 d) lose
4- ………….The temperature in summer in Kuwait reaches 50

a) light bulbs

 b) chemicals

 c) degrees

 d) sources

5- …………..My parents were very happy with my exam

a) results

 b) sources 

c) chemicals 

d) light bulbs

6- The air conditioner …………………. cool air in summer.

a) invents

 b) exports

 c) marries 

d) blows

7- The sun …………………. the water of the sea.

a) puts on

 b) heats

 c) puts off

 d) loses

8- Cars need …………………… to move from place to place.

a) petrol

b) bacteria 

c) algebra

 d) flood

9- We use the mirror to ………………… our pictures in it.

a) blow

 b) heat

 c) reflect

 d) export

10 My mother is worried about my sister because her ………………… is very high.

a) chemicals

 b) temperature

 c) south pole

 d) north pole

11- Where is the hospital? / Go ………………. on, then turn left.

a) contaminated 

b) fatal

 c) straight

 d) cross

12- If you look in the ………………………., you will see yourself.

a) petrol

 b) mirror

 c) tanker

 d) source

13- We ……………… length by meter but weights by kilograms.

a) export

 b) heat

 c) lose

 d) measure

14- After we take oil out of the earth, it is put into………………… to distant places.

a) chemicals

 b) sources

 c) pipelines

 d) droughts

15- always carry fresh water to far away places…………..

a) mirrors

 b) results

 c) tankers 

d) experiments

16- Kuwait is famous for oil. It ……………………. oil to other countries.

a) heats

 b) exports

 c) blows

 d) loses

Unit 8

17- The ……………………. is a useful invention because it gives us light.

a) temperature

 b) degree

 c) pipeline

 d) light bulb

18- My dad had a car accident but …………………….. he was not hurt.

a) fortunately

 b) simply

 c) hard

 d) abroad

19- ………….We all should wash our hands before eating to kill

a) result

b) bacteria

c) tanker

d) pipelines

20- Scientists are very clever because they ……………….. useful machines to make life better.

a) invent

 b) heat

 c) marry

 d) blow

21- Drinking water is the main ……………….. of life.

a) mirror

 b) source

 c) degree

 d) petrol

22- …………I studied hard then answered all the exam questions 

a) simply

 b) abroad

 c) sadly

 d) fortunately

23- If you drink contaminated water or eat bad foods you will catch …………… diseases.

a) cross

 b) fatal

 c) straight

 d) bright

24- The water filters are used to …………………….. water to be safe.

a) marry

 b) invent

 c) purify

 d) put off

25- Some countries suffer from …………………….. and they have no water to drink.

a) drought

 b) water cycle

 c) experiment

 d) tanker

26- The weather is freezing in the ………………….. so you can’t live there for a long time.

a) tanker

b) south pole

c) water cycle

 d) petrol

27- ………..Icebergs are found in the 

a) mirror

b) north pole

 c) bacteria 

d) pipeline

28 We should ……………………. the computers before going to bed.

a) put on

 b) marry

 c) heat

 d) put off

29- In the future , there will be ……………………… and millions of people will drown.

a) mirror

 b) petrol

 c) flood

 d) tanker

30- Sara is very sad because she …………………..mobile phone yesterday.

a) lost

 b) married

 c) invented

 d) exported

31- Salem ……………………… the computer every day to play games or do his homework.

a) puts on

 b) heats

 c) puts off

 d) exports

32- Millions of people around the world die because they drink …………………… water

a) energy-saving

 b) fatal

 c) contaminated

 d) straight

Unit 9

33- My mum gets ……………………. if we forget to turn off the air-conditioning.

a) contaminated

b) energy-saving

 c) straight

 d) cross

34- ………….After secondary school ,I will go to university to study 

a) prize

b) chemistry

 c) result

 d) degree

35- Many scientists are doing experiments to find a ……………………. for cancer.

a) algebra

 b) cure

 c) south pole

 d) interview

36- ………. Smoking causes serious diseases specially lung 

a) water cycle

 b) mirror

 c) cancer

 d) tanker

37- To have a better job, you should pass the ………………………. first.

a) interview

 b) cure

 c) cancer

 d) south pole

38- ……………………. We study different countries of the world in 

a) north pole

 b) geography

 c) algebra 

d) Prize

39-……………………. Al- khawarizmi was very famous for

a) interview

 b) cure

 c) light bulb

 d) algebra

40- …………………….The new light bulb is very good at 

a) energy-saving

 b) straight

 c) contaminated

 d) cross

41- Marie curie studied math and ………………………. at university.

a) prize

b) physics

c) light bulb

d) south pole

42- After secondary school, I will travel ……………….. to study medicine.

a) abroad

b) fortunately

 c) hard

 d) sadly

43- Teachers like clever and ………………….. students who do well at school.

a) contaminated

 b) bright

 c) fatal

 d) energy-saving

44- Clever students study ………………….. to get high marks at school.

a) simply

 b) fortunately

 c) hard

 d) sadly

45- My elder sister got …………………. to a doctor last month.

a) married

 b) exported

 c) heated

 d) invented

46- Noura lived ……………… after her father’s death in a car accident.

a) simply

 b) sadly

 c) hard

 d) fortunately

47- Marie curie was awarded the Noble ……………………… for chemistry.

A) South Pole

 B) Geography

 C) Light Bulb

 D) Prize

Module 4

Unit 10

يستلم / يأخذ

متشوق إلى


مضرب تنس

ينضم إلى النادي

يشارك في

نظارات سباحة


الكرة الطائرة

مادة دراسية


حقا / جدا


مع أطيب الامنيات 
















look forward to



join a club

take part in








best wishes

Unit 11




عدد السكان 


منظر الارض










به مرتفعات


































Unit 12

مهبط هليكوبتر


ملعب تنس

بطاقة الكترونية





الغوص لصيد اللؤلؤ



ممتع/ جميل


عوف / طيب



















court tennis






pearl diving








Unit 10

1-  ……………….To play tennis, you need a ball, a net and a

a) racket

 b) tourist

 c) subject

 d) capital
2- I …………… many gifts in my birthday party yesterday.

a) grew

b) received

c) measured

d) exported

3- The English language is important because it helps you ………………..with people from other countries.

a) stretch

b) blow

c) communicate

 d) lose

4- I don’t like geography because it is a ………….. subject.

a) kind

 b) hilly

 c) comfortable

 d) boring

5- I like scuba diving and I ………… would like to join a diving club.

a) really

 b) sadly

 c) abroad

 d) approximately

6-  …………We finish an e-mail to a friend with

a) goggles

 b) rackets

 c) best wishes

 d) oceans

7- I am ………….. English. It is my favourite subject.

a) linking

b) Looking forward to

 c) growing

 d) purifying

8- You need ………. to protect your eyes when swimming or diving.

a) championships

 b) tourists

 c) goggles

 d) volleyballs

9-  …………I am very tall and my favourite sport is 

a) volleyball

 b) landscape

 c) capital 

d) tourist

10 My elder brother is going to ……………. a club to learn to scuba dive.

a) communicate

 b) put off 

c) join

 d) invent

11- My favourite football team won the ………… match and got the cup.

a) contaminated

 b) cross

 c) final

 d) boring

12-  …………My sister is very good at tennis. I think she will win the tennis 

a) crop

 b) championship

 c) e-card

 d) fortnight

13- I train hard to ……………… the swimming competition.

a) take part in

b) look forward to

 c) put on

 d) put off

14- My favourite school ………… are English and math.

a) holes

 b) helipads

 c) volcanos

 d) subjects

Unit 11

15- ……………Wild animals like lions and tigers live in the 

a) smoke

 b) forest

 c) volcano

 d) tennis court

16- Kuwait is flat but New Zealand is ………….. and has got high mountains.

a) hilly

 b) energy -saving

 c) kind

 d) final

17- Rice, wheat and malt are different ……….. which we need for our food.

a) areas

 b) helipads

 c) crops

 d) e-cards

18- Farmers ……….. plants and keep animals in the farm.

a) grow

 b) stretch

 c) link

 d) communicate

19- I live in Al Jahra ……….. . It is the biggest city in Kuwait.

a) volleyball

 b) tourist

 c) area

 d) subject

20-  ………………New Zealand is found in the southern western of the pacific

a) ocean

b) smoke

c) causeway

 d) fortnight

21- I and my friend Sara are ………. . We both like the same things.

a) hilly

b) energy- saving

c) comfortable

d) similar

22- My father is a rich businessman. He has got ………….. 10 million dinars in the bank.

a) hard

b) approximately

 c) simply

 d) sadly

23- The ………….. in New Zealand is varied. You can find mountains, volcanos, lakes and farms.

a) landscape

 b) e-card

 c) causeway

 d) experience

24- Kuwait city is the ………………of Kuwait. It is on the Arabian Gulf.

a) crop

 b) fortnight

 c) capital

 d) tennis court

25- The ………….. in Kuwait is approximately four million people.

a) smoke

 b) helipad

 c) hole

 d) population

26- visiting Kuwait can go to Kuwait Towers, Failaka, and 360 mall. …………….. 

a) Goggles

 b) Tourists

 c) Landscape

 d) Subject

27- The ………… is a mountain with a hole. Smoke and fire come out of it.

a) volcano

 b) forest

 c) ocean

 d) tourist

28 coming from cars ,buses and factories pollute the air. …………….

a) Championship

 b) Smoke

 c) Racket

 d) Volleyball

29- The volcano has got a …………….. at the top. Smoke and fire come out of it.

a) subject

 b) capital

 c) population

 d) hole

30- Teachers like clever and ……………. students who always study hard.

a) active

 b) fatal

 c) boring

 d) contaminated

Unit 12

31- My family stayed in Dubai for a ……………. last summer holiday.

a) landscape

 b) forest

 c) fortnight

 d) ocean

32-  …………….. .The helicopter always lands on the

a) helipad

 b) e-card

 c) hole

 d) fortnight

33- You can play tennis on the …………… it has a special surface for the game.

a) smoke

 b) crop

 c) volcano

 d) tennis court

34- My friend Tom sent me a lovely …………. from Canada last week.

a) capital

 b) forest

 c) e-card

 d) volcano

35- My last holiday in London was …………. . I liked it very much.

a) hilly

 b) fantastic

 c) straight

 d) energy- saving

36- …………….I ‘d like to sleep on this bed. It is 

a) comfortable

 b) kind

 c) hilly

 d) boring

37- My grandparents are very ……………. . They always give me presents and money.

a) contaminated

 b) fatal

 c) kind

 d) boring

38- There are many ……………places in Kuwait like Failaka , Avenue and the scientific centre.

a) attractive

 b) boring

 c) contaminated

 d) kind

39- Diving and watching coloured fish and coral reef is a/an ……………. experience.

a) hilly

b) final 

c) amazing

 d) cross

40- Kuwait was famous for ………….. in the past.

a) capital

 b) pearl diving

 c) population

 d) subject

41- …………….Riding camels and horses is a wonderful 

a) ocean

 b) tourist

 c) volleyball

 d) experience

42- King Fahad causeway is 25 km and …………. Bahrain with Saudi Arabia .

a) links

 b) receives

 c) grows

 d) measures

43- About three million cars go over King Fahd ………….. every year.

a) subject

 b) causeway

 c) racket

 d) forest

44- The weather in London in summer is ………….. . I enjoy it a lot.

a) pleasant

 b) final

 c) hilly

 d) kind

45- Kuwait beaches ………….. for about 500 kilometres including the islands’ beaches.

a) invent

 b) lose

 c) stretch

 d) receive

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( forest – married – experiment – comfortable – really )

1. Travelling by plane is more ………………………………… than travelling by car.

2. My teacher was ………………………. happy when I had full marks in my final exams.

3. …………………………….There are wild animals and strange plants in the 

4. Marie and Pierre Curie …………………………………. in 1895.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( attractive / drought / cancer / approximately / stretch )

1-…………………………….Scientists are working hard to find a cure for

2-King Fahad Causeway…………………for 25 kilometers over the sea.

3-Children like to buy story-books for their……………………………… pictures.

4-Many African countries suffer from bad………………….. ; we should help them.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( attractive – interview – communicate – tourists – simply )

6- People……………………….with each other in different ways like phones and massages.

7- Your offer is very………………………… but we need to think about it.

8-We can answer these questions quite………………………….. They are very easy.

9- I saw a group of ………………………. who spoke Turkish, in the Avenues yesterday.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( mirror /simply /amazing /received /Pearl Diving)

6. I enjoyed visiting The Museum of ……………………….. in Bahrain last summer.

7. You can ……………… put the bottom of the Life Straw into water source and drink.

8. It was really an …………………………… experience to take photographs underwater.

9. I ……………………. an email from my friend in New Zealand.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( amazing – receive – Sadly –mirror – simply )

6. I feel happy when I ………………………e-mails from my friends.

7. Kuwait Towers are …………………… buildings in the Gulf area.

8. ……………………….., my dog was hit by a fast car yesterday.

9. If you look at a/an ………………………..you will see yourself.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

(comfortable / smoke / sadly / communicate / experience)

1. We use the mobile phone to…………………. …..with each other.

2. The black ………………….is coming out of this house. We should call the firemen.

3. …………………………Sara didn’t do well in the exams and went home 

4. I like to sit on that chair because it’s very…………………. and next to the window.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

(pipelines – bacteria – communicate – fantastic – fortunately)

6. …………………………Always wash your hands before you eat to kill

7. The girl fell off her bike but ………………………….. she wasn’t hurt.

8. My family and I had a ………………………… holiday in London last summer.

9. …………………………Oil is taken to other countries into huge 

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

(drought– attractive – exports – volleyball– stretch)

5) Ahmed plays for the national …………………. team.

6) Kuwait ………………… oil to many different countries.

7) The ……………………. has done great harm to people , animals and plants.

8) Dubai has lots of wonderful and ……………………. places to visit.

B- Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list:

( pearl diving / boring / look forward to / reflects / carefully )

05. This film was very __________. I fell asleep while watching it.

06. The mirrors __________ how you look when you look in it.

07. Watch out! You should cross the road __________ and look both ways.

08. Kuwaitis in the past depended on __________and fishing to live.

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( cure – pleasant – landscape – take part in – abroad )

5- I would love to go …………………. this year , perhaps to France .

6- …………………………The tourists were amazed by the beauty of the

7- Will you …………………. the next Kuwait Chess Championship ?

8- The weather in Egypt was …………… and I enjoyed it a lot .

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( racket -fantastic-goggles-blows-causeway)

5-Tourists like to visit …………………. museums and old buildings in other countries.

6.The wind ……………… cool air in the desert at night, that is why we enjoy camping.

7.Swimmers wear ………………………………. to protect their eyes while swimming.

8. You need a ………………………………………. and a ball to be able to play tennis

Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list

( fortunately / cross / cure / stretch / capital )

5. The building was on fire last night, but ………………… nobody was hurt

6. The ………………… of a country is the biggest and the most important city.

7. Doctors work hard to ………………… sick people from fatal diseases.

8. My mother usually gets ………………… when my little sisters make noise.


Module 3-4

Grammar – Unit 7

Present simple passive

3- Read the sentences and answer the question

Grammar : Passive verbs

 ? Which sentences tell us who did the experiment 

a- She cleans the house daily 

b- The house is cleaned daily

c-The scientist writes the results down

d- The results are written down

1- ………………… Experiments (is / are ) done by

2- ………………… Hony (is / are )  made by 

3- ………………… Apicture (is / are ) painted by an 

4- ………………… Plants   (is / are )  eaten by

5- ………………… Small fish (is / are )  eaten by

5- Find the correct words to finish the sentences

do – read – fly – see – find Use the right from of the verbs

Homework is done after school 

1- E-mails ……….. by lots of people every day

2- Planes ………. by pilots

3- Whale sharks ………. some times……… near Kuwati

4- Sati…….. in sea water 

1- Footballers score goals.


2-People keep zebras in a zoo.


3-We see a doctor in a hospital.


4-Students read books in the library.


5- We see old coins and pots in a museum.


6- People buy fruits and vegetables in a market.


7-We see stars in the sky.


8- Huda cleans the dishes.


9- We play football at school.


Grammar – Unit 8

Grammar: will – wont – might – could 


6- Look What will you do tomorrow ? Make sentences with I will / Wont  or Imight 

8- Circle the best answers

1- It is very early . The teacher (might / will ) be at School

2-  Its nine Oclock . The ( might / will) at School

3- idont Know what to do . I ( could / will) go Swimming

4- I  ( might / will) go to the tennis club tomorrow because i have a lesson

5- My mother ( could / will) cook chichen today – she cooks it every Friday

6- Tomorrow is a holiday. I …………………. go to school.

7- I have an important test tomorrow. I ………………………. study hard.

8- I am not sure. I …………………….. visit my uncle tomorrow.

9- Mohammed …………………………. climb mountains. He knows it’s very dangerous.

10- Sara ……………….pass the test. She is very clever at school.

11- I don’t feel ill so I ……………………..go to the doctor.

12- I don’t know what to do. I …………………… go to the club.

3. Talk to your friends about next weekend. Complete the table. Write sentences

Name      will      won’t      might



Grammar Tagquestions

 ? He is best Know for algebra isnt he 

? He isnt famous for Stamp collecting is he 

? Al-Khawrizmi was born in about 780 wasnt he 

 ? He wasnt born in Baghdad was he 

Add question tags

? ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ You are from Kuwait

? ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Kuwait is very modern 

? ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ We arent studing mathsnow

? ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ You werent at School on Friday

? ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Our teacher wasnt at School yestday

? ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ There was a picture of AL-Khawarizmi on trlevision

السؤال المذيل Questions Tag

We use question tags ( mini questions) at the end of sentences, to ask for information, to check information or to make a question sound polite.


1.  ? ……………….He is your brother,

2. ? ……………….She was reading

3.? ………………. They weren’t studying

4.? ………………. We haven’t got enough money

5. ? ……………….They aren’t Saudi Arabian

6. ? ……………….You ‘ve been to London

7. ? ……………….I can sit here

8.? ………………. We have eaten lunch

9. ? ……………….You don’t swim

10? ………………..She doesn’t speak French

11.? ……………….He didn’t have a car

12.? ……………….Ali has got a nice jacket

13.? ……………….Noura has been to Bahrain

14.? ……………….Doctors are Canadian

Grammar – Unit 10

Grammar to be + going + infinitve

4-  ? Read  the sentences. Are they past or future 

I received your e-mail yesterday 

im going to buy some football boots tomorrow

5- Choose the correct from of the verb

1- I( am going to buy / bought ) anow tennis racket next weekend 

2- She ( played / is going to play) basktball last week

3- Im sure my brother ( is going to win / won ) the Swimming race tomorrow

4- We ( are going to have / had ) a Science test last week

5- My friends and i ( are going to see / saw) a new film tomoorrow 

 ( زمن  الماضي  البسيط ) The Past Simple Tense

الكلمات الدالة : in 2005 ago in the past last yesterday
  في عام سنة ماضية منذ في الماضي السابق أمس
الاستخدم يعبر عن حدث بدأ و انتهى في الماضي Use : We use it to talk about completed actions in the past.

 يضاف في نهاية الفعل  play ……..played

الذي ينتهي بحرف يضاف في نهاية الفعل المنتظم arrive……. arrivede

الذي ينتهي بحرف يضاف في نهاية الفعل المنتظم Y قبلها ساكن  Study ……… Studied 

الأفعال الغير منتظمة يجب أن نحفظها من جدول تصريف الافعال مثل :

تصريف ثالث ماضي 2 مضارع 1

























am / is



has / have

1- Dinosaurs ( live ) on earth in the past.


2- My mother ( help ) me with the difficult questions yesterday .


3- Sara (visit ) her grandparents last Fridays.


4- I ( use ) to wear shorts in the past.


5- Ayed ( answer ) all the questions in the exam last Sunday.


7- Adel ( go ) to Failaka Island in 2018.


9- The baby ( come ) home late last night.


12 – Salem ( swim ) in the lake last week.


15- My sister ( has ) a stomach ache last Saturday.


17- Ali ( find ) a golden necklace in the street last month.


 ( زمن المستقبل البسيط )The future Simple Tense

الدالة in 2050 soon in the future next Tomorrow
  سنة قادمة قريبا في المستقبل القادم غدا
 سوف (Be ) going to + inf
سوف am going to 
سوف Is going to 
سوف are going to 

1- I ………………………. study English tomorrow.

2- The pupils ………………………………. go on holiday next month.

3- In the future, I ……………………………. be a doctor.

4- The policemen …………………………….. catch the thief soon.

5- We ………………………………have a test next week.

6- My older brother ………………………………… play the final match tomorrow.

7- In 2019 , I……………………………….. be 14 years old.

8- Fawaz ………………………… visit Dubai next holiday.


(like / good at) are followed by verb + ing

1.  ____________________________.I like

2.  ____________________________.I donʼt like 

3.  ____________________________.My friendʼs good at

4. ____________________________. Iʼm not good at

Grammar – Unit 11

Comparative and superlative adjectives

 التفضيل Superlative  المقارنة Comparative  الصفة Adjectives

The coldest

The hottest

The biggest

The smallest

The niceest

The cleanest

The fewest

The deepest

The highest

The most important

The most beautiful

The most comfortable

colder    than

hotter   than

bigger  than

smaller  than

nicer  than

cleaner  than

fewer  than

deeper  than

higher  than

more important than

more beautiful than

more Comfortable than













1. I am ___________ (tall) than my sister.

2. Computers are ___________ (cheap) than mobile phones.

3. Bicycles are ___________ (slow) than cars.

4. Our dog is ___________ (nice) than your dog.

5. Is your brother ___________ (old) than you?

6. Sharks are ___________ (dangerous) than other fish.

7. My house is ___________ (large)than your house.

8. A swordfish is ________ (fast) than a jellyfish.

9. I think Spanish is ___________ (easy) than Japanese.

10. I want to have a ___________ (big) car.

11. This car is ___________ (comfortable) than yours.

12. A Mercedes is ________ (expensive) than a Fiat.

13. I am ___________ (strong) than you.

14. My hair is ________ (long) than yours.

15. Elaine is ________ (wise) thanher sister.

16. Tony is ________ (happy)than Max.

17. Health is ________ (important) than money.


26. London is the ___________ (big) city in England.

3. Cycling is one of the ___________ (dangerous) sports.

19. My brother wanted the ___________ (expensive) trainers in the shop.

24. The sea is the ___________ (large) a lake.

23. Mount Everest is the ___________ (high) mountain in the world.

23. The ant is the ________ (small) insect.

Short adjectives ending in vowel + consonant, remember to double the final consonant before -er/ -est. big bigger biggest

If the adjectives ends in -e, just add -r or -st. wise wiser wises

With adjectives ending in y, you change the y to i and add er / est.

happy happier happiest

Grammar – Unit 12

Grammar : yes/ already

5- Read the sentences then circle the correct answers 

? Have you been to Dubai yet 

I havent been there yet

I have already been to Dubai

1- With a present perfect questinon we can use 

a. already

b. yet

2- with a negative sentence we can use 

a. already

b. yet

3- with a positive sentence we can use

a. already

b. yet

6- Complete the Sentences with yet or already

 ? Mother : Have you done your homework (1)…………Sami 

 ? ………Sami : No not (2) ……… Mum but Ive (3) ……….. tidied my rooe Have you made the cakes

……… Mother : Yes Ive (5) ………. made them but Ihavent  made dinner (6)

yet / already

1- Yousef has ………………… helped his mum.

2- I have …………………. watched that film.

3-  ? ………… Have you finished homework

4-……………………… I haven’t eaten sushi 

5- ………………………………….We haven’t visited London 

6- Fahd and Sara have ……………. been to Dubai.

7- Hamad has ……………………………. eaten lunch.

8-  ? ………………………………….Have you slept in a tent 

9- ……….My father hasn’t come from work 

10- The pupils have ………………….. won the cup. 


1- Ali has already finished homework.


2-We have already been to Bahrain.


3-I have already tidied my room.


4- Omar has already played tennis.


5- My mother has.lready bought a new I phone.


Grammar exercises

Do as Shown in brackets

1. I will go home after school. ( Negative)


2.Saudi Arabia is (big) than Kuwait. (Change)


3. My little brother ( go ) to have an English test tomorrow. ( Correct )


4. Dad wasn’t at home yesterday, ………………………………………. ? ( Tag question)

5-My mother has already (make) a cake for my birthday. (Correct the verb)


6-The students gave their teacher some flowers, yesterday. (Form a question )


7-Kuwait exports oil to other countries. (Change into Passive )


8-You are ready for your exam, …………….. ? ( Complete using tag question)


10- A carpenter makes tables and chairs. ( Complete / Passive )

……………………………………………..Tables and chairs 

11- Al-Aujairy is a famous Kuwaiti astronomer,………. ….? ( Complete with a tag question)


12- My brother is good at ( speak ) many languages well. ( Correct)


13- My sister has already finished her lunch. ( Make Negative )


14. My grandmother was ill last month,………..? (Add a tag question)


15. I (go) to buy new sports shoes tomorrow. (Correct)


16. Giraffes eat plants. (Make Passive)


17. Have you finished your homework.………………. (Complete)


18. I have already (visit ) the new mall. (Correct the verb in brackets)


19. Mona was ill yesterday, ……………. …….? (Complete with a question tag)

20. People send e-mails every day. (Change into passive)


21. I am going to buy a new bike tomorrow. (Make negative)


22-Sara has already (do) her homework. ( Correct the verb)


23-Artists usually paint beautiful pictures. (Make a question )


24-Ali will play football with us next Friday. (Make negative )


25-My mother cleans my room every day. (Change into Passive )



A) Choose the correct answer between brackets : (4×2=8Ms)

In our school, we play different sports. I’m good at (15) (play- played – playing) basketball. In fact I’m the (16) (tall- tallest -taller) boy in my class. I have already (17) (get- got – getting) a medal for winning the match. I’m (18) (looking forward – look forward – looked forward) to be the best player in Kuwait.

B) Do as shown between brackets: (2×11/2=3 Ms)

19) They are doing their homework now, ………….? (AddAdd question tag )


20) Mom cleans the house every day. ( Change into passive)



A- Choose the correct answer between brackets : ( 4×2=8 marks )

My brother is ( old – older – the oldest ) than me . He has ( already – yet – last ) travelled to Canada. He likes ( be – been – being ) there with his family. He ( will stay – stay – stayed ) for two months . 

B-Do as shown between brackets 🙁 2×11⁄2=3 marks)

19- My friend wasn’t at school ,………………..? Add a question tag )


20- Ahmad visited the museum yesterday . ( Ask a question )



a-) Choose the correct answer In the following paragraph : (4×2= 8M)

Yesterday, the teacher 15- (take – takes – took) us on a school trip to Dickson House. My friend Sara asked the teacher: “This is the 16- (oldest – older – old) building in Kuwait City, 17- ( is it – isn’t it – it is )?” The teacher said “I don’t think so but, you could 18- ( surf – surfs – surfing ) the net to find the answer”.

b)-Do as shown between brackets : ( 2 X 1 1/2 = 3 marks )

10. We haven’t (see ) the movie yet. ( Correct the verb )


11 Salma visits her grandparents every Friday. ( Change into passive )



a) Choose the correct answer between brackets: (4 x 2 = 8)

Ali and Salim (go -are going – goes) to join a club next week. Ali says that running is (easy – easiest – easier) than football. They (deciding – decided – decides) to practise and train every day to win the running race at school. They are a wonderful team (aren’t we – weren’t they – aren’t they)

b) Do as required between brackets: ( 2 X 1 1⁄2 = 3 )

19. Adel is staying in a nice hotel in Bahrain. (Ask a question)


20. My cousin is going to see a new film with his friends. (Make negative)



A. Read & choose the correct answer: ( 4×2=8)

Ali is a clever boy. He likes science. He is good ( in – at – on ) physics. He is going to ( join – joining – joins ) a science club next week. He has already ( buy – buys – bought ) some scientific tools. They are ( make – made making ) of plastic.

B. Do as shown between brackets: (2×11⁄2=3)

15. Miss Sara is our new teacher, …………….. ? ( Add a tag question )


16. My sister will cook our dinner, tomorrow. ( Make Negative )



15- Choose the correct answer: (4 × 2 = 8M)

My family (haven’t decided– is decided – has decided) where we (are going to spend -spent – spend) our holiday (already – just – yet). We (will – might – won’t) travel to London.

B- Do as shown between brackets: (2 × 11⁄2 = 3M)

16- If you eat a lot of fast food, you __________________. (Complete)

17- Ahmed went to England to study English. (Ask a question)


A- Choose the correct answer between brackets : ( 4×2=8 marks )

My brother is ( old – older – the oldest ) than me . He has ( already – yet – last ) travelled to Canada. He likes ( be – been – being ) there with his family. He ( will stay – stay – stayed ) for two months .

B-Do as shown between brackets 🙁 2×11⁄2=3 marks)

19- My friend wasn’t at school ,………………..? (Add a question tag )


20- Ahmad visited the museum yesterday . ( Ask a question )


1- ( Water )

Write a short paragraph of six sentences about ‘ Water’ using the guided words provided .

( important- can’t live- keep healthy-get, rain-use drinking, -save-turn off-use less-short shower-fix leaks)

2-Water cycle

write a short paragraph of six sentences about ” Water cycle ” using the guided words provided .

( movement ,water ,earth-sun heats-water vapour-rises-cools, clouds-small drops join-fall,rain-fills seas)

3- Oil

write a short paragraph of six sentences about oil using the guided words provided . 

(Kuwait, famous- dead animals -under the ground- pipelines – export -factories- – petrol -black gold-important-save)


Write a short paragraph of six sentences about lifestraw using the guided words provided

(important –invention- plastic- cheap – purify water– chemicals – stop bacteria – save lives-poor –dirty water )

5-Light Bulb

Write a short paragraph of six sentences about ’’ Light Bulb’’ using the guided words provided 

( important-gives light- cheap-saves energy-special-waste -turn off –useful invention-LED bulbs last longer )


write a short paragraph of six sentences about ’’ energy‘‘ using the guided words provided .

(important -put off computers-turn off Tv-lights-air-conditioning-one car-walk save-waste)

7- A Trip to Failaka Island

Write a short paragraph of six sentences about “A trip to Failaka”” using the guided words provided .

(yesterday- Failaka -classmates- boat- lunch-swim- dive- coral reef-fish-volleyball-walk- beach-famous- nice )

8-Al- khawarizmi

write a short paragraph of six sentences about ” Al- khawarizmi using the guided words provided .

( famous scientist-born 780 – Baghdad – – known for algebra- map of the world map- interested in geography- wrote books-died 850-)

9-Marie Curie


Write a short paragraph of six sentences about ’ Marie Curie using the guided words provided .

( famous scientist-born 1867-bright child-good at school- university-study physics ,maths- cure cancer-save lives-Nobel prize physics and chemistry-help people-died 1934 )


Write a short paragraph of six sentences about ’ sport using the guided words provided .
(Important-keep fit- different kinds, football, tennis-should do-strong healthy, favourite football-club-friends-weekends)


Write a short paragraph of six sentences about ‘‘ Football ’’ using the guided words provided . (favourite, football –interesting-keep fit- club – friends- weekends- boots – Messi )

12- Tennis

write a short paragraph of six sentences about ’’ Tennis ’’ using the guided words provided .

( favourite – tennis –interesting-keep fit- club- friends- Fridays- racket – like )

13- Table Tennis

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about Table Tennis using the guided words provided

( favourite – table tennis interesting-keep fit – club – friends- Fridays – bat– like )

14- Swimming

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about ’’ Swimming ’’ using the guided words provided .

( favourite – swimming interesting-keep fit – club- friends- Fridays- goggles – like )

15- Scuba diving

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about ’’ Scuba diving ’’ using the guided words provided

(favourite – Scuba diving interesting-keep fit – sea- friends- Fridays- goggles– like )


Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about Myself using the guided words provided .

( name- kuwaiti -13 years- -grade 6-brothers-sister-father doctor-mother teacher-school big- start 7:30-finish 1:30-favourite lesson –sports- afternoon homework-watch tv-games )

17-New Zealand ( 18M )

write a short paragraph of six sentences about New Zealand using the guided words provided

( beautiful country- pacific ocean-small-population 5 million-two main islands-wellington capital-mountains volcanoes-sandy beaches-tourists-skiing)

18- kuwait( 18 M )

write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about kuwait using the guided words provided .

( nice country-Asia-small, hot – modern, rich –population,4 million- Kuwait City, capital- nice places Failaka, avenues-beaches-tourists- like)

19-The Beach

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about ’’ The Beach ’’ using the guided words provided

(yesterday-beach- family-car-swim- dive-walk-fish-coral reef-lunch-volleyball-fun -happy)

20-Describe the picture

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about The Beach using the guided words provided

(beautiful beach-children, shells-forest-sea lovely-island- old houses-trees-small boat-birds sky-like)

21- A Holiday in Dubai

write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about A holiday in Dubai using the guided words

( last holiday – Dubai- family – plane- hotel – week-visit, Burj Al Arab – Khalifa Tower- tennis, helipad -happy)

22- A Holiday In London

Write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about Holiday In London using the guided words.

Last year-family-plane-hotel-weather-food-nice places–museums-capital UK-population 15 million-nice

23-King Fahd Causeway

write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about King Fahd Causeway using the guided words.

( causeway- Bahrain, Saudi Arabia – opened, 1986 – three million cars- twenty five km-lunch restaurant )

24- Watching TV

“Watching TV is very interesting. A lot of children enjoy it to have fun”.

Plan and write a composition of one paragraphs (not less than 6 sentences) about “watching TV”. : (Your writing should include a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion)

The following guide words may help you

(watch – favourite – cartoons – programms – family – free time – long hours – health)

25- My School

write a short paragraph of 6 sentences about ’’ My School ‘‘ using the guided words provided .

(big, modern-science labs-music room-study subjects – Arabic, English, maths-favourite, religion-break, snacks-like, teachers )

1-Reading comprehension ( 16 Marks )

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below
In a small village lived a hardworking farmer who had well-built and healthy three sons; Jack, John, and Jonathan. But they were lazy and didn’t like working. The farmer was sad and worried about the future of his farmland and his sons. One day, the farmer got an idea flashed into his mind. He called his sons and said, “Boys! I have a hidden treasure into our farmland. You should dig to search for it, then share it together.” The three sons were excited. They went to the fields and started searching. Day and night, they worked hard and dug each and every inch of the field. But they could not find anything. They were disappointed, but their father said, “Dear sons! Now you have the fields and the seeds, why not we plant some crops. They agreed. After six months, the crop grew green. The sons were delighted, and the father said, “Sons, this is the real treasure I wanted you to share.”

A) From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer: ( 6 X 2= 12 Marks)

9-  ? What is the best title for this passage

a- A Lazy Farmer

b- The Real Treasure

c- A Small Village

 d- The Strong Boys

10-The underline word well-built in the 1st paragraph means 
a- clever

 b- smart
c- happy

 d- strong

11- The underline pronoun they in the 3rd paragraph refers to

a- fields

 b- crops

c- sons

 d- seeds

12- Based on the reading passage, the real treasure was

a- the green farmland

 b- the three sons
c- the hardworking farmer

 d- the small village

13-  ? Why did the three sons dig the field

a- To plant some crops

 b- To search for the treasure
c- To play in the field

 d- To farm the land

14-What is the writer’s main purpose for writing this passage?

a- To show how important hard working is

b- To explain how to live a healthy life.

c- To teach how to farm a land

 d- To tell how lazy the sons are.

B) Answer the following questions :(2×2=4 Marks)

15- ? Where did the farmer and his sons live 


16- ? What was the farmer’s idea to make his sons work in the farm


2- Reading Comprehension ( 16 Marks)

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below

A rich man had only one son. The son had some bad friends. He began to act badly. The man was worried about his son. He tried his best to change his son’s bad behaviors, but he could not succeed. One day, he thought of a plan to teach his son a lesson. He went to the market to purchase some fresh apples and an old one. He came back home and called his son. He asked him to put the fresh apples with the old one in one basket. After some days, the father asked his son to bring the apples. The son was surprised that all the apples had become bad. He felt sad. At this point, his father told him that one bad apple had spoiled all the rest. In the same way, one bad friend could spoil all others. The father’s advice had the desired effect. The boy listened to his father’s advice. He gave up bad friends and became a good boy.

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: ( 6 x 2 = 12 Marks)

9. ?  What is the best title for the passage

a. A Bad Apple

 b. A Rich Man

 c. A Wise Father

 d. The Local Market

10. The underlined word “purchased” in the 1st paragraph means

a. found

 b. bought

 c. sold

 d. ate

11. The underlined word “one” in the 1st paragraph refers

a. son

 b. plan

 c. apple

 d. lesson

12.  ? Why was the father worried

a. his son didn’t have friends.

b. his son mixed up the apples.

c. his son behaved badly

d. his son didn’t go to the market.

13.? What is the author’s purpose in writing this text

a. to advise people to eat apples.

 b. to tell people to have good friends.

c. to explain how apples get old.

 d. to suggest putting apples in baskets.

14.  ? According to the passage, which of the following statements is True

a. all the apples in the basket were bad.

b. some of the apples disappeared.

c. all the apples were fresh.

d. the son had eaten the apples.

b) Answer the following questions: ( 2 X 2 = 4 Marks)

15. ?  Why did the father buy an old apple with the fresh ones


16.  ? What happened to the son after his father’s advice

3- Reading Comprehension ( 16 marks )

 : Read the following text carefully, then answer the questions below

It was the end of the final school term. The boys in grade 6 planned to hold a class party. First of all, they got a permission from the school principal. Then each boy contributed 2 KD. Ten boys volunteered to be in charge of food and drinks. These boys prepared iced-drinks, bought biscuits, cakes and sweets. Some of the mothers helped by frying meat and hamburger to make some sandwiches .Others prepared some cookies and pizzas. Every boy brought his own plate, glass, fork and spoon. At 4.00 p.m. on that day, all the boys met and re-arranged the furniture in the classroom. They reserved one section for food and drinks. Some boys organised games such as ‘Treasure Hunt’ and ‘Musical Chairs’ which everyone enjoyed. After the games, they turned to the delicious food and drinks. Their teacher, who had been specially invited, gave away prizes to the winners of the games. Lastly, at 9.00p.m.they took photos and went home happily after cleaning up the classroom. They felt the class party was a good way to end the year.

a) Choose the best answer from a, b, c and d: ( 6 X 2) = 12 marks)

9-  ? Which of the following is the best title for the text

a) A Class Party

 b) Lovely Boys

c) Musical Chairs

 d) Delicious Food

10-  ? What is the meaning of the underlined word ” contributed” in the 1st paragraph

a) decided


c) paid

d) screamed

11.  ? What does the underlined pronoun “they” in the 2nd paragraph refer to 

a) the games

 b) the prizes

c) the drinks

 d) the boys

12. ?  What is the writer’s purpose of writing this text 

a) To advise the boys to eat healthy food

 b) To show the boys how to plan parties

c) To encourage the boys to play games

d) To advise the boys to help their mothers

13. ?  How long did the party last

a) about 3 hours

 b) about 5 hours

c) about 2 hours.

 d) about 7 hours

14. ? How did the mothers help with the party

a) They bought some forks

 b) They made cakes

c) They took photos

d) They fried meat and hamburgers

B)Answer the following questions : (2 x 2= 4 Ms )

15.  ? What did the boys do after the games

16. ?  Why did the students hold the party 



Read the following passage then answer the questions below

Martin had a terrible day yesterday. He was travelling to Spain. He left the house at 10 o’clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport. When the man who worked for the airline asked for his passport, Martin became very upset. He realized he didn’t have it with him. Martin jumped back into the taxi and told the driver to take him home. The driver drove quickly and Martin arrived back at his house in twenty minutes. He ran into the house and found his passport on the bedside table and left the house again. But the taxi wasn’t there! Martin shouted angrily. “Oh! The taxi left”. He ran down the street and looked for another taxi. After a few minutes, Martin found the taxi and told the driver to take him to the airport as quickly as possible. The traffic on the roads was very bad and, unfortunately, Martin arrived at the airport late. His plane left for Spain. He was very sad and went to speak to the airline officers. They gave him a seat on an evening flight.

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d (6×2=12 Ms)

9. The best title for the passage is 

a. A Day in Spain

! b. A Terrible Day

c. The Taxi

 d. The Airport

10. The underlined word “upset” means

a. happy

 b. sad
c. worried

 d. surprised

11. The underlined pronoun “it” refers to

a. house

 b. passport
c. airport

 d. taxi
12. Martin found his passport in the 

a. kitchen

b. dining room

c. living room

 d. bedroom

13. The second time Martin arrived at the airport

a. the plane had taken off.

b. he had found the passport.

c. the taxi was gone.

d. he found another taxi.

14. The writer’s purpose of writing this story is to tell that 

a. Travelling to Spain is very enjoyable. travelling.

b. There is too much traffic on the roads.

c. One should check everything before

d. Taxi drivers are always busy.

b) Answer the following questions: (2×2=4 Ms)

15.  ? Why couldn’t Martin catch the plane to Spain at first


16.  ? When was Martin’s fight


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